TESTING OUT NEW PLAYSTATION VR! | Virtual Reality | Demo Disc #1 Austin Kleschka — July 6, 2018 31 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Welcome back Kleschka Crew! I am trying out my new Playstation VR for the very first time! Playing multiple games called Job Simulator, Dino Frontier and Battle … source Austin Kleschka Baseball Battle Zone BattleZone Benny Benny No Bobby Crosby Dino Frontier Dodgerfilms gaming job simulator Kleschka Kleschka Games Kleschka Pack Openings Kleschka Picks Kleschka Quiz Time Kleschka Vlogs Motion Controller playstation Playstation VR ps4 Softball Spider-Man spiderman spidey Spidey Bombs Virtual Reality vr Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Hi spidey my birthday is tomorrow and I will be 13 years old, I hope you will wish me a happy birthday
Hi spidey my birthday is tomorrow and I will be 13 years old, I hope you will wish me a happy birthday
I love your videos hope you reply I have so many questions to ask #NOTIFCATIONSQAUD best YouTuber ever #Subscribe #BestYoutuber #Bellicon
Gray job
Vr is so cool ?
Wow dude thats like a 500 $ system congrats!!
I love the vids keep it up
Hi spidey my birthday is tomorrow and I will be 13 years old, I hope you will wish me a happy birthday
Hi spidey my birthday is tomorrow and I will be 13 years old, I hope you will wish me a happy birthday
Keep. Up the amazing work I always look forward to 4:00 est
Spidy is the best
When is next off season softball vid?
do Batman vr next
What up
Great vid! My cousins have one it’s really cool
I have a VR too
This series is so cool!!! Awesome Vid!!! ????
Good vid
I love your videos hope you reply I have so many questions to ask #NOTIFCATIONSQAUD best YouTuber ever #Subscribe #BestYoutuber #Bellicon
I love playing the Batman game on that it’s really cool. Also nice vid
Did you get that as a Christmas gift from Bobby?
This is cool
Hey Austin
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