Heroes of the Storm has finally received its first Warcraft specific Battleground Alterac Pass; a love letter to longtime Warcraft and World of Warcraft fans.
Heroes of the Storm has finally received its first Warcraft specific Battleground Alterac Pass; a love letter to longtime Warcraft and World of Warcraft fans.
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Never thought I would say this but I’m kinda bored of Warcraft. I’m sure this might be a great game, just over it ?
No thanks, I'll stay with LoL.
BOOOOOOOOOOO For Yrel!!!! We want Maraad!!!!
well it was cool in vanilla, but in the newer expansions it is one of the most boring ones since people just rush bosses
WOW (or any mmorpg) players aren’t gonna drop what they’re doing for a new map that features familiar content on a subpar moba
Its should have been "Why Hots fans should play WoW". Both Hots and OW are "meh" for their category, while WoW is pretty much the only mmorpg
This map is really awesome. Warcraft 4 pls :/
No one wants to hear this but imo this game is boring. Compared to any other moba it's slow and requires no skill.
Lol this game is trash
When is this coming to mobile
I guess LoL and Dota fanbois don't wanna see Heroes of the Storm community to be embraced by the WoW fanbase.. Look at all those downvotes, only possible from such toxic communities. Blizzard fanbase is one happy family
Warcraft 4 please?
I honestly want this on iPad.
almost Warcraft 4
What's up with the salty downvotes? This is well made and gives info about something old WoW vets might not have heard about.
So Blizzard finally made a bad ripoff of other popular games of the past. If only they had the same misfortune on Overwatch.
well overwatch heroes could be disabled because they only ruin game experience…
Play smite instead
World of warcraft damn the old good days the gameplay the music the world itself non of the other mmorpgs ever beat it the nostalgia
I forgot this was a thing.
This game has a very toxic Community
Give us WoW Classic already
It's about time! All those Warcraft heroes and not a single WoW battleground? Ridiculous! Maybe we could get Blackrock Mountain next?
what if you dont like moba
Is it just me or recently IGN suddenly post many vids about HoTS and OW? :/
I would love to play this on Xbox
Excellent game, constantly updated, no no-name heroes like the other MOBAs
No thank you
I got two wow vets playing ffxiv they love it.
But hots is boring
and what about the fans who loved warcraft as an RTS, we have got nothing. Yes they made a new patch but why they look down upon us so much.
Just make World of Starcraft already , have it play like destiny and that might help put blizzard back on the map…..maybe.
I have been playing Heroes since early 2015. I am loving it more and more. The game is awesome!
Heroes of the storm feels idk.