PLAY as BALDI in VIRTUAL REALITY! – Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning (VRChat Funny Moments) Razzbowski — June 15, 2018 35 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Baldi’s Basics in VIRTUAL REALITY?! Oh yes! Join Bijuu Mike and I as we play as Baldi in VRChat. It’s time for math… in VRChat! Baldi’s Basics is a school … source baldi baldi in virtual reality baldi in vrchat baldi's basics bijuu mike baldi's basics ending baldi's basics in education and learning baldi's basics in vrchat baldi's basics play as baldi baldi's basics update baldis basics baldis basics gameplay bijuu mike play as baldi in vrchat playing as baldi razzbowski vr baldi vrchat baldi vrchat baldi's basics vrchat funny moments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Hi razz, you are the best youtuber ever, your vr chat vids are cringy but awesome, and at the end of the day you’re just amazing!
I dare you to go FULL Orangeboi for a video….Unleash his full power for once, and not even Mr. Turtle won't wanna mess with you!
Imagine. Baldi in Doki Doki. Monika would be so mad that there’s someone smarter and more beautiful than her xD
Gotta love that Baldi ❤️❤️❤️
Play baldi and their is another end get all the answers wrong and finsh
Dady can you play roblox plzzzzzzz , I live your new name dady
Such a great video!
Hi razz, you are the best youtuber ever, your vr chat vids are cringy but awesome, and at the end of the day you’re just amazing!
can you play roblox my name is stonemason09 i love your channel
Im gonna draw some fanart for you coz i can!
Papa Razz do you like being spanked by Baldi?
Impress our love? But I already try to impress you senpai!! :0
Daddy razz I have a question…do you want me to buy you one? Get it?
Now papa razz can spank baldi in 3D!! ??
I love this channel
Wait you are playing with Biju Mike
Papa Razz’s Edumacation in VR and Cringey memez, Thaaats Him!!
I dare you to go FULL Orangeboi for a video….Unleash his full power for once, and not even Mr. Turtle won't wanna mess with you!
RazzBijuu is such a bromance!(Also that sweater your wearing is on fleek)
Best way 2 get EDUMECATED
Because if you are I will like this video
I need friends (no pokemen)
Im six minutes late
No dabbing nor anime in the motherfucking halls. No Mr Turtle in the halls
Are you actually playing with Biju Mike
A sexy video made by the sexiest Scottish man ever ?? ^~^
Imagine. Baldi in Doki Doki. Monika would be so mad that there’s someone smarter and more beautiful than her xD
Would if they put you in baldi for a Easter egg razz
Papa razz I'm great at math
2+2 easy
37 smart
Mr. Turtle is GOD!?
Is it okay to ship?
Razz can do them quick maths
Welcome to Baldis Basics In Vitrual Chatting. THATS MEEEEEEEE