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About the Author: IGN


  1. Does anyone else watch these IGN reviews and try and guess what the final score will be solely based on what the narrator of the review is saying? I’m starting to get good at this… usually within two-tenths of a point ?

  2. Play Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines if you want to scratch a vampire itch first. EVERYTHING VAMPYR TRIED TO DO HAS BEEN DONE IN VAMPIRE MASQUERADE BLOODLINES.

  3. Sounds like a few bugfixes and a rebalance patch or hardmode later this game should be p good. Looking forward to a price drop in 2-3 months.

  4. I'll definitely be picking it up. If the story elements are good, I can look past the only okay combat system. Like The Witcher 3, really wasn't a huge fan of the combat, still loved the game though.

  5. I don't understand why IGN keeps putting this guy on very non-bro type games for review when he's an Xbox bro shooter dude to the core.

  6. To be honest this game deserves a bit more praise. How many rpg's like this do you see released every year? And especially from an indie studio.

  7. But ign gave phantom pain a 10. This looks and plays just like that. MG5 was far from a 10. It depends on who are. That determines your score.

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