Ign…why are you guys wasting my time with this crap? There’s a host of independent titles you guys are overlooking only to bring us this junk. I don’t get it.
I wish they would take into account it’s only 20 dollars and he didn’t even mention the graphics. Atleast they’re not asking for much like no mans sky and sea
I think this game is amazing I don't know wut the hell you're problem is
I know max didn't review it but the guy who did just sounds like a white male who likes using a lot of big words and got frustrated way too easily.
Looks boring as hell
Sounds like a it's so bad, it's good game.
looks better than god of war cant wait to pick it up
i wonder how angry joe would react and treat this game.
What fun modern game successfully portrays the Arab culture ?
its mix from Dishonored, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Thief and Alladin with Indiana Jones)
rogue like genre needs to die asap
4?! Thats bullshit. I’ll admit the game isnt perfect, but its very fun, and absolutely gorgeous
Stop being trash at games IGN!
plays on consolecomplains about how accurate you need to be and the controls
Imagine if there was a console so Powerful yet it couldnt show any results of it’s power.
Thats the Xbox One X.
Would Harambe approve?
4.0 “Too many skeletons”
Why are people still talking about seamans sky?
Sounds like you need to GIT GUD
Lmaooo this guy is SO bad! Git Gud.
This will be a VR game in a year or when they finally figure out how to nail movement.
Xbox fan boys are going to love this considering it looks like no man's thieves. Both games have less content and that is what xbox fan boys want in a game nowadays.
its suppose to be hard lol
So there mad because it’s to hard ? Seriously that’s pathetic.
Looks pretty similar to No Man's Sea I mean Sea Of Thieves
seems like someone needs to…
Man this game looks really different! I'm into it!
Scrub reviews a hard game
This was a great review. Thank you Calum
Ign…why are you guys wasting my time with this crap? There’s a host of independent titles you guys are overlooking only to bring us this junk. I don’t get it.
I wish they would take into account it’s only 20 dollars and he didn’t even mention the graphics. Atleast they’re not asking for much like no mans sky and sea
I think this game is amazing I don't know wut the hell you're problem is
I know max didn't review it but the guy who did just sounds like a white male who likes using a lot of big words and got frustrated way too easily.
Looks boring as hell
Sounds like a it's so bad, it's good game.
looks better than god of war cant wait to pick it up
i wonder how angry joe would react and treat this game.
What fun modern game successfully portrays the Arab culture ?
its mix from Dishonored, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Thief and Alladin with Indiana Jones)
rogue like genre needs to die asap
4?! Thats bullshit. I’ll admit the game isnt perfect, but its very fun, and absolutely gorgeous
Stop being trash at games IGN!
plays on console complains about how accurate you need to be and the controls
Imagine if there was a console so Powerful yet it couldnt show any results of it’s power.
Thats the Xbox One X.
Would Harambe approve?
4.0 “Too many skeletons”
Why are people still talking about seamans sky?
Sounds like you need to GIT GUD
Lmaooo this guy is SO bad! Git Gud.
This will be a VR game in a year or when they finally figure out how to nail movement.
Xbox fan boys are going to love this considering it looks like no man's thieves. Both games have less content and that is what xbox fan boys want in a game nowadays.
its suppose to be hard lol
So there mad because it’s to hard ? Seriously that’s pathetic.
Looks pretty similar to No Man's Sea I mean Sea Of Thieves
seems like someone needs to…
Man this game looks really different! I'm into it!