Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) & More Altcoins Trading Future Price Prediction & Coin News 2018!
Here’s my original video on the Ethereum Black Swan Crash potential – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZiVgVyKwDY
? Let’s get this crypto!
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(https://twitter.com/CryptoKirby -or- https://t.me/CryptoKirby)
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Sites I use for Crypto / Cryptocurrency include: Coinmarketcap, Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, Bitfinex, Bitmex, GDAX, Kraken, Gemini & more!
Disclaimer: The content covered in this video is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, tutorials, charts, technical analysis, insights and price prediction. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to Invest in and Buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) And all other Crypto/Bitcoins/Altcoins or ICO/ICOs is extremely high risk!
orhttps://t.me/CryptoKirby)… You cant trade "maybe" anymore … in the USA… BUUUUUUUUUUUHUUUUT…. the USA is not the World (Lucky Mankind). In the other parts of the World, you still can trade erc20 tokens IF this event would happen.
Great information
This is exactly why we should be holding a large percentage in good ol' BitBitch ??
Could we see a massive run to the crypto safe coin? Perhaps
AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Nice catch dude. This is the kind of conspiracy theory I'm looking for. Gonna look at your VIP package now.
Really great insight. I do think it is possible. I didn't connect the dots with Binance and now I get it. I also think that the push for a decision will be soon – too much money involved you are correct
My question is, if Litecoin and Digibyte can do smart contracts and be currencies than why the need for ethereum?
Basically all in BNB
I’m hopeful it does not go this way. Would be a major step backwards for the US in the market place. EU regulations coming out are taking a progressive view and facilitating growth. I’m hopeful US regulators will follow suit.
When you make that voice you sound like Mickey Mouse XD!!
US does not, does not rule the world and US investment in crypto compare to the rest of the world is restricted like WTF to free wealth. US and there view on the rest of the world is the real problem.
ETH is not strong enough to survive on market
Correct me if I am wrong but ETH is not a security by definition, there is no annual dividend and/or profit sharing between holders. I may be mistaken but a security would be for example if a decentralised exchange would have an ERC-20 token ICO and holders of that token would proportionally share profits from fees and/or withdrawals. ETH is a means of value transfer with few functionalities.
To stock markets again buy amazon
I Think it will not go into this direction, looking at the ERC20 list, there are almost 500 coins, many good projects and ideas like SNM, STORM, ENJN…what will happen to them? if those are going to demolish then almost 30-40% of crypto currency market is gone.
Sooo let me get this straight. in the U.S. , if you aren’t worth enough, you don’t get the privilege of investing in certain things? And it’s citizens have not overthrown this social oppression?
Well done Kirby! Only you talk about these news in youtube. Also please talk about NEO and GAS soon
Guess who else is getting away from its ERC20 nature without really needing to ? (Same as Binance)… WAX and probably others !!!… Thanks man. Hadn't thought of that.
Ethereum foundation should bribe the regulators. Problem solved.
If Eth crashes I'll be filling up my bag some more. If it goes up I'm gonna do my money dance. Happy either way
What do you think about Sentinel and Sentinel Protocol Kirby? our time difference is huge, cannot catch your live stream to ask about it :'(