Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) & More Altcoins Trading Future Price Prediction & Coin News 2018!
? Let’s get this crypto!
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Sites I use for Crypto / Cryptocurrency include: Coinmarketcap, Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, Bitfinex, Bitmex, GDAX, Kraken, Gemini & more!
Disclaimer: The content covered in this video is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, tutorials, charts, technical analysis, insights and price prediction. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to Invest in and Buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) And all other Crypto/Bitcoins/Altcoins or ICO/ICOs is extremely high risk!
orhttps://t.me/CryptoKirby)How do you convert your profit to Bitcoin and what exchanges should I be in for best results?????
really hard earned money with this coins. These bots can push up to 9250 area very soon again…lightsaberaction
The Micky Mouse voice lol
Wait a minute… bots are day trading for ppl on crypto now??? Yeah, it’s time to pull out, crypto is a scam it’s designed to be encrypted to steal your money with no repercussions. The prices and market is all manipulation it’s all artificial and made up out of thin air. Cash out now before you all get bitconnneeecccctted.
That’s the real troll voice bro. Made 400% on DAN and pulled before the pin came out around .45
Lower, obviously. Thought of you when I saw the sell off after your video. I'm waiting on same range atm. I don't think this level will be short-lived though, expecting similar time-frame of consolidation while building a base down there.
I get the giggles when you make the VOICE.
Can you recommend any books or videos. I heard everything you said in the video and would like to learn more about trading. I'd love to get as knowledgeable as you are in time.
oh kirby no oh kirby dont say market goes down…. lol
Future trend? Isn’t it in the hands of the big $$s behind the illuminate candle players? Your TA is great but it all changes “if” there is an extreme red or green candle. Your alt coin strategy and stop loss strategy feels like a sound way to play this unlike anything before wild randomness! Well done!!!
Bitcoin maximalist = Bitcoin fascist
Bearish voice LOL?
Good TA on the HFT bot activity. Very interesting. Thank you!
Crypto investors diversify….."GLOBAL BUY AN OUNCE OF SILVER DAY"…June 1st 2018….Spread the word! …. Here is the math (total available physical investment silver about 10 to 15 Billion) if just 5 to 10% of the 500 billion invested in crypto would flow into physical silver the price would sky rocket…… Silver could be the new bitcoin…..Come on lets have some fun! …. Silver the un-hackable, un-traceable, eternal store of wealth for thousands of years and it's on sale now for the same price as a large pizza…… Some P.M. dealers take bitcoin.
One minute your super bullish on alts now youre super bearish… ive never seen such conflicting issues
This is 2014-2015 all over again…But im still gonna trade them cheap hot alts for gainz in the mean time its the best anyone can really hope for
Thanks for the update
yo Kirby good shit.. I like that mortal kombat voice you did..LMAO!!
Hey kirb are you in on any alts? Or you just waiting to see if bitcoin drops ?
Your absolutely right. I watched a few videos of guys suggesting to buy this dip from yesterday and how we are at a good buying opportunity still. Then there's this tron POSSIBLE partnership. People are crazy. I'd rather hear the truth than have smoke blown up my ass. That's how people get burned then they want nothing to do with cryto. One burnt becomes 2, 2 becomes 4 and so on.
Is n t this a sick market, run by complete assholes?!
This apply only to Bitcoin or also other top coins?
Great info bro, glad I found this channel. Has been really solid!
Check coinmarketcap cap on Google trend
TA-Rex… or Dinosaur Jr in the RSI feeding ground. ?
You always offer something that i didn't see/know before. Thank you!
Bitcoin will go back up… People need to cash out and knowing that the dollar is dying. It's only logical to cash out in the currency that has the highest value. So when Nasdaq comes and the market cap blossoms.. whatever coins on top after the bull run will most likely be the one.
Yesterday the decent quantity of tokens of Zilliqa came from free distribution myairdrop.org/zilliqa Consult, please, where it is possible to sell them? At what exchange?
Hi Crypto Kirby I really like your videos, big fan! Keep up the good work.
Cheers Ncash : 0x16c6acc13f3a8d3b65e12bfc5bba79ca31a9175b
This guy is a FUD artist who makes a living shorting bitcoin as a trader. He has no long game and therefore has a vested interest in bitcoin not increasing in value.
Great vid – thanks Kirby!
Also got on Idex.market got some ORI
That's what I call perfect Technical Analysis ……………….. Great !!!
Got on cobinhood.com got some COB !!!
Earlier today it was'$9002, right now it's $9003, its going back up
What a legend! Learning so much from Crypto Kirby!
You called it bro