How to ALWAYS make money in cryptocurrency! Cryptocurrency trading, with an arbitrage trade strategy.
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I am not a professional financial adviser. All investments you make are of your own. Do your own research. All ICO reviews are paid reviews. All opinions are our own. Do your own research before clicking any links in the description and investing any money.
Your promoting how to always make money by arbitrage yet you haven't done it yourself & your friends tell you they make money from it. What type of backyard operation are you running here.
Yes you have the logo, the voice & come across as a genuine crypto channel but after watching a few of your video's I've come to the conclusion that your another Ryan Hildreth.
Is there a life video of the above video off you guys trading and making moneyyyy lol ?
do i live stream
Yes. Do it live. Sounds too good to be true
i made over $600,000 with Bitcoin but not the way you guys did this. First and foremost I save,invest,and have a $160k/yr career and retiring early. i met jordancorporation01@gmail.com for his mining software because it has made me thousands of dollar in just 4weeks. Only take risk only with what I can afford to lose. Don't know how or where to buy bit coin and don't care. I've been investing since 10th grade in the late 80s and used to day trade in the late 90s.
are US citizens able to participate in this ICO?
Use a lieying cheating scaming robot as a mascot and a fast talking infomercial/used car salesman sounding narrator to sell a money making software product. I'm sold! But seriously, this video does not answer some important questions and concerns. So yes please make a video demontrating you making money with this.
Hmmmmm this is interesting… show us
Thanks, great content!
could …could not… i would not want to risk this shit
Join now. https://dex.dropil.com/signup?aff=ZLgxCq76mJfpHOVowMcsCKcCkIBTzA
i have try this. unfortunately. The exchange change the price very fast. you only the 10-30sec. to buy and sell. is not going to work. sorry it don't work for me. how you going to buy and sell in less then one min. superman can't do it.
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Hey do you know that trading cryptocurrency with a good strategy is the secret to winning. i invested at the start of 2017 with the sum of $500,000 and had a triple profit of $1,500,000 at the end of the year. i will like you also to invest and become financially independent. You are free to contact me on my mobile number +1 323 546 0275 or you can write me on (engr.davidgrant@gmail.com)
Arbitrage live stream plz
Please do an arbitrage vid
Yeeeah! Arbitrage live!!
Do a live Stream…I would be interested in seeing it
Please do a live version as an example of this. Pretty sure this can't work. Please get back to us because everyone is saying the same about this video and I would like to trust you as a source of crypto information but this is really scammy looking.
Dropil seems to be a very interesting ICO.
Id think arbitrage should be common knowledge by now. Hitbtc is steadily like 10% higher than others. 0x447e1420d7eaf0124db29f8ecee993d335f48b7b
It's because of garbage and schemes like this that cryptocurrency has bad press and isn't taken seriously. Is this serious or a joke? Those who hope the cryptocurrency becomes successful really need to fight against these things.
Can’t wait till the market goes on a bull run. I can’t keep buying these dips anymore lol. Thanks for all the content you post!
Please do it live
Oh nice hint!!! 0xd9a7821d63e65199470f95548c0076e91dee9e06
Doing claims without an actual research or trying it out is a pretty big risk for your credibility, you MUST do at least one transaction live to back up what you just showed as a: How to ALWAYS make money in cryptocurrency! Video.
Show a live trade of this
thanks buddy for this amazing video
Definitely do it on livestream!
Explain to me how you can trade 7 times in a day.
If I sell at a profit on huobi, I have to withdraw the money
and then again cheap buying on another platform, that takes a few days, so I think acting once every 5 days.
Do it live
that was a bit of bull shit
I you try it out the pries don't match up
PLEASE do live stream
Thanks for filling us in on Arthur.
ok waiting for vechain
Great video mate
Eth 0x9c0452D0805E0dd7c3BA5153b3d3C48896108a35
I just recently started using a bot trader. I love it!
it wont work because you need a Korean phone number to verify the account to deposit/withdraw.
love to see this on a live stream
I think it's more profitable with BTC. Arbitrage bot! 0xcc6b4a846b815747c44621b5864553b1ee2b05d0