A Virtual Nightmare Nukazooka — April 19, 2018 30 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Nethervision brings a VR game to life unlike any other! Experience horror with all the blood, sweat, and tears. Oh, and pain. Lots of pain. Credits: Directed by Andrew McMurry (https://www.instag… source doom fps game game over gamer gaming horror irl jump scare lets play monsters pc player real life scary virtual Virtual Reality vr VR GAME VR Gaming vr horror VR Scary youtube Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
This should be extended and linger for like an hour and make it a movie, a horror movie because that was solo good I literally got the chills???
more pls part 2
really nyc video
The nether is another name for the underworld
You shouldn't have gotten NETHERvision
This would be a spectacular horror movie.
Holly molly, this is a horror movie good job !!!
OMG! This is godness video guys!
This should be extended and linger for like an hour and make it a movie, a horror movie because that was solo good I literally got the chills???
Please make a movie…

how come this isn't a movie?
dude..i will never try VR
he typed the url in the wrong box
Ахрененно!!! Лучше чем фильмы снимают!
Top ten anime deaths
Thats why u dont buy cheap products xD
Im being a www. here but this is like S.A.O
Wow this is sad real people were dying anyway nice game
Please make a sequel
3:38 brutal!
Título em português
Too fucking scary
Yo that was on next level shit
Awesome that should be a movie
I wish this happened irl actually:;D
The vr is controled brain and can make hurt to player