What are the top altcoins to buy right now? CryptoCurrency Market News and Altcoins to watch!
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I am not a professional financial adviser. All investments you make are of your own. Do your own research. All ICO Reviews are paid reviews and all opinions are our opinions. Do your own research!
love this channel . congrats
Verge has many other applications, not just PORN! – MEM6CdFvuJ1S3ueTR9dZsFdLAWYVepmjW8
XRP! Love the show. Keep it up! Big fan.
LTC: MQDx3ofaKGVyb8LvxVr67kFEi6GWYr2rfB
hope that babb hits a good exchange soon…
LTC: LgMnB8ft12vd3PqsJSHQMipkaN3s5Q7HHY
Love trx hoop Its gone be huge
I am currently holding
• VeChain (Quality control across supply chain management)
• Sub (Decentralized Internet)
• Theta Token (Youtube and Twitch founders are advisors)
• Data (Ad Fraud)
BAT making moves today….
LTC: LQ7L5od2VBeZ1MZKq7sS8BcHMmuYppkKEb
I heard Indian Company denies the partnership with NCASH can you please investigate?
its nice to hear you giving hopes to these altcoins for future runs LTC : M8VSSU5ouwJSW3y4nrBsWra1VNtsrqGwqz
I really like POA and XRP
Nice video!!! Thanks!
Great informational video….i am hoping for the next episode you talk about the NCASH quick sell off. Thank you for the videos.
LTC: LQNzYvXdyNzo9W9JxbfH9LSdHdRjHEv6ar
Of course I moved into NCASH right before it dumped
I Kind of like that ShipChain!!! looks interesting !!! thanks CCN Team KEEP THE Great work!!
Proof of weak hands 3d .
Let's not forget Bnb was at $20+ a few months ago
LTC LRj9pKmkLSFmsew9wWBF8HXv9XEoX5Yxpk
Love the idea of babb but it would be hard to adopt
Ltc: LdZobFquhzokFGv4sj7r8UofwSKjKNNWyP
I'm Really confused with how to get BABB Bancor or IDEX is easier,never dealt with decentrilized exchanges and hard to find info anny suggestions?
Very bullish on Ada and am optimistic about where the market is heading! LTC: LcnC4rU1SV3XnPC7A7dENpp6Xtaiw4Lj6A
Could you do a deep dive on zencash?
been with you since the start always a morale booster!! cheers
Awesome report as always! LTC
I’m bullish on cardano, stellar and ripple. I most believe in stellar’s vision but I think ripple will do best.
Could you talk about in depth about how one should plan his sell offs in case of a bull run? LTC LNuMTzwbE9njVLE2V7hTYsGjSuTMBQQ5ze
Wooow! Thanks man, keep up the great vids. Very informative. Do you think we will see the same run in december like we did last year? LL2MGnFxizBzsV7a9WnfTrzmTnfVmrWfcu
Stellar to the mon
ltc: LhrwLrbag1xQRMu3rGXbBRFg2HZ53qUkxM
LUamBvJXHgEzPFoYbY2gBGQfzBrmQ4sXcJ wait, i actually won something?? well since you are seeing this, when would you say we are fully out of the bear market and bull market again?? above 12k btc like a lot of others are saying or?
NCASH just dumped, time to increase my position!
Favorite coin is cardano
Did you know
That in French, Verge actually means penis
LTC: LY9bTzDegjjaePsCyB9rMSA61KtAtvtQjs
Very dissapointed in this peniscurrency
great video as always!
GVT is another altcoin Ive been keeping my eye on, but haven’t pulled the trigger on buying, Is now a good to time to buy GVT? I Really Love the Live videos keep them coming thanks!!!
LTC: LXt4evzjGNw97fkEXBwsKDXg7EZ85qqXFv
Ncash to the moon
Genesis Vision – Community Vote inbound
#Option4 = 94k
LTC: MGAtxk6bFrEhSqdBSMkBmH182qB68ZTBu5
substratum, gvt & stellar
LTC: MS8YrxBdMoaBusHUjxcxwhkP3nbEkuwrnR
You said NCASH is your 5th largest holdings. What are the other 4?
I Am vested in WPR, ADA, ECC, MINT, SBTC, ETN, DCN, DENT, DGB, FUEL! Great update Zach Thank You! LKpJ2KnGU7DrQvB9DrLRYX4Wwj8ecvkFqy
$Paccoin to the moon!!!
Ltc: LRFQc47QXzrZhJxFZJdnFgXQ7cSfaZkgvY
I would.like to know opinions on xaurum :d seems great idea