The cryptocurrency space has hit a new low in terms of market cap! The crypto market cap is at a low over the last 4 months!
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totally loving the shows..
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*Do you guys know about hot potato game ?*
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*Explanation* :- *Basically there are tiles to purchase each tile cost you ethereum, when the game starts the tiles starts at price of 0.01 eth and there will be a time limit running on that tile if someone buys the till from you win and you get ethereum ones the tile is purchased the cost of the tile increases and if the time limit on the tile expires you lose all, there is also a chance to win ethereum if tiles next to your tile gets sold you win certain % of ethereum aswell the best strategy is to buy cheap and good positioned tiles for attractions.*
*This game was created about a weak ago and already has gained massive attractions.*
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*Note :- This is not shilling , nor am i doing for any commission I am just sharing this because its one of the coolest inventions to win free ethereum.*
Viewers can't see what you are pointing at for 20% of the right side of the market cap coverage, as your live stream box is blocking the lower right portion. I always enjoy the videos though.
EOS and TRON seem to be holding up
I need more fiat!
I thing the market bounce back soon
Ltc: LSdHLwqee6ArBGB2kAmCwnSzdpsVSzyJ4f
I am the first person from my country Liberia ?? to have a cryptocurrency account… And I have a Coinbase account.. Out of 200000 two hundred persons, if asked about cryptocurrency only two to three persons will tell you that I here about that on news the last time but I don't have any idea about cryptocurrency… ?LNMo2ysV8684gKUwPwzN71aVBaQAfrJkNA
I am in for the long ran. LaaCZV6mdMfMBWhjJ2u6YCgDfVosvBi76m
не чё нек понятно
Just sold all my crypto one month back when I still had 50% of my peek portfolio left and turned it into dollar to wait for the absolute dip to buy it back. Yesterday I thought was the time to start buying but how wrong I was lol. I´m starting to wonder if not many alt coins will perish into thin air soon.
waiting for tron to shoot up
love your guys videos. was selling some Tron as it went up but held. now I see Tron dropping already. im gonna hold but didn't think it would drop day before this stuff was to happen.
dude so excited for tron. hope i dont get too disappointing
Tired of all this beating,
Just waiting for bulls to take over for weeks ?
Im in the hodling mode so to speak!
What is the address that one needs to submit…how do we find that?
Sticking around for that one trillion dollar mark!
Welp it was fun while it lasted. Still holding onto what I have for the next couple of years where all of this may grow even more. At this point, i would be losing if I were to do any trading. Not worried though. Crypto is here to stay! Also, I love the emphasis on the coffee cup shaking in the beginning. Lol
Tax refunds are coming!!! Good time to buy in while the market is low. Buy buy buy. I think April /May the market will shoot up after citizens get their tax refunds. Agree/disagree?
tron is holding like theres no tomorrow lol awsome! i bought at the same time as you around 2c
I agree with your assessment. I don’t think Tron can get to a dollar just yet. But I am interested to see how much action will occur after the burn. LTC – LMtjGU8pPqQ9jJGfuo1EX9DEQhUAP3pKri
I have buy orders for LTC at $65 and ETH at $220 Be careful on these 'bounces' in the next week. They will be deceiving until a real sign of capitulation is in. Set a few low targets and hope for the best! LTC – LWrfF7FQ9ZoAkUQvdfEoJr66iWRTvq2Sta
Low prices don't scare me. Looking at the big picture with a positive outlook for 2018. Buying up NEO NEBL SUB SALT VIBE. Also check out CHSB -Swissborg
I love this channel! MWpGGyh3YiBZxXXXrd6F2xKkbvBrTgzBLN
Market will bounce back as always.
Just watched this video, and the coin market cap is at $263B. Yikes. How low is it going to go? Thanks for the video.
LTC: LLvkYzfJ9zWnCbe3akpFaZxC11bPqtNwUk
Kind of a rollercoaster ride this year so far. I wish I had more fiat to invest right now. If it lasts till the end of next week I will but I doubt the market will stay this low by then.
Great video market will go down down down till middle May
I think the market is going to drop down to 200,000 mark and then shoot up in may june.
ETH: 20180331=371$, 20180401=354$, 20180403=323$, 20180404=278$, 20180405=188$, 20180414=damp=56$…
Great video thanks for sharing. I've smashed the like button for you!
If you are looking to get hold of some crypto without investing or mining, look into https://www.crowdholding.com. They are a co-creation platform were you get rewarded for giving feedback to crypto startups on the platform. You can earn Crowdholding's token as well as DeepOnion, ITT, Smartcash and many other ERC-20 tokens.
Just more and more opportunities await….. Great content, keep it up man.
ColossusXt is a great project! Let's go guys!
Hold on to everything, especially that coffee cup.
I personally got a pretty good chuckle out of the intense coffee mug shaking at the beginning.
Man, every time I invest in a coin, thinking that the price is low enough, here it is the market, giving me a nice kick in the teeth, reaching a new low ahahahah. Anyway still hodling!
Love you guys.
Now is the best time to buy for people who are new to crypto. I wish I had more to invest but every little bit counts. "no pun intended" LPgHroYHZMXFDp78gCdnrBXjDWkCEeiuEL
Warm Tеlеgram channеl whеrе АIRDROPs аrе рublishеd everу day; @airdrop_yes AIRDRОP – at nо сost distributi0n оf tokеns to еvеryone fr0m diffеrent IСО Giving оnlу 6-8 minuТes pеr dаy on rеgistrаtiоn in differеnt АIRDRОP it is роssiblе to reсеivе 2ОО-3ОО d0llаrs рer daу.
when lambo
Dude talks about the same thing every week
It will drop under 4K