Crypto leaders looking to sue Facebook, Google and Twitter for CryptoCurrency AD ban! Crypto News!
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I am not a professional financial adviser. All investments you make are of your own. Do your own research.
give me those litecoins
u talk too fast..sound like a retard
All I know is I can finally afford a descent video card. Someone is definitely going on eBay has been innodated by mining rigs for sale
Ridiculous lawsuit if crypto can only survive if facebook and Google show their ads. How did bitcoin survive its 2013 crash.LTC:MCTLKVUkPRDFyrAQyfbbQ1DvD5LnJffm5Q
Lawsuit might not have much weight.. either case, interesting scenario…
Facebook and google need the be sued
Proof of Weak Hands (P3D coin)
I don't think it matters whether or not social media giants allow ads or not. It may be a bump in the road, but crypto will grow either way.
I'm glad someone is going after the advertisement bans, even if they are just in it for the legal fees. We need to show institutions that Bank Fees and barring advertisements are just delaying the inevitable M9BotzExGsaCcqZbAgAZAEcUsB1ZrGq6kn
They shouldnt ban adds
I still see a good buying opportunity
Guys, there was a new service with cloud-mining in which is given 2000 Doge, it's worth a try
Keep it up. Luv getting my daily news updates.
I still see a good buying opportunity
I still see a good buying opportunity
I still see a good buying opportunity
LTC- 3MScGVkLRLx12seg9cLZZDejVemmBijz2C
thanks for the updates… MUNxuERmf6F5Cn8d96LVjaQN9khUhnQ3vW
Facebook should be banned, it has no reason to excist. Everybody should cancel their positions in facebook then watch it go down the drain
Bull for the best ..
I invested experimentally in early Feb. TRX and FUN. I was pleased to see TRX gaining a little ground while almost everything else was going downhill. I believe the bans have restricted TRX’s potential along with many others. Whether or not big businesses and banks like it, the future of commerce is inevitably going to be digital. I doubt I will be a long term investor, but I would like to see a decent return or at the very least, break even. LhHtTGWVGyxoiH2WKeaSDC2GZFdwJAUsdv
I hate when a banker says don't invest in Crypto invest in business well most people that invest in Crypto don't have the money to invest in a business and get noticeable return but if one of the Crypto coins that I hold goes to the moon I am then in a position to invest in a business so it's kinda a stepping stone
Great show
All of these companies are scared, they don't want you to be private, they want your privacy!
Great video though! Thanks for the news, as always.
comparing cryptos to beanie babies is just ridiculous…
LTC: LQ7L5od2VBeZ1MZKq7sS8BcHMmuYppkKEb
Thanks for the update! love your video's…
Bloodbath only thing that can pull profits is Tron anon ?
I hope Digitize will have an automatic setup for converting to crypto LcsCGm5mavGirFEzjNreWPFJHqRVTzNVsR
Great vid!!
I would Defintely like to see what happens. Bitcoin can not be stopped!MK3zhAzuUvehya9nUXup26QY1sG9qJs1rF
Really hoping for a bull run soon. I think taking down crypto ads has brought down the market and I hate it!!
Ouch… watching while the market is tanking. Hopefully by next video it’s looking greener
LTC: LWrkGYM42j4di56NKiDxtpsSB1TNVdpxNV
HoldOn and you win. I go buy more, crypto go to moon sooner or later
I can’t take this anymore! I need a bull run and fast
Nice video man! Like your show! Ltc
Loving the new format Zach LVBq2am8xjRT2FCLAXBzs4FgZmyyPFiLQr
Good info look forward to more Vida
I like the new backdrop. You win some you lose some with ads.MJgpnzf5QJU39hrDWEpSdA4AP11ouM4y3x
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every other fkn week,,more dam problems,, lower lows,,,wondering if im gonna lose all my investment in ,,ltc
nice thats great thanks for the news
LTC Address: LXjt8ujPGMH8n6F5CHSKcBwbH2nEr1nnbX
Really love the content that you're providing. The new format is something different and a little more entertaining!!
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cool i hope this low season pays of in 1 year from now
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I will be glad when all of this FUD is over so we can begin to go back up. I don't think anyone really cares to much about the banning of the crypto adds because as soon as Bitcoin begins to rise again these same companies will be figure out ways to change these bans. LR2ggRav2EzroDbBqQ3LPmGSuU9GgyPeTb
The process will last for quite some time, if it will ever start, but it's anyway a sign that things start to move in the right direction…