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About the Author: Quantum Tech HD


  1. Is that a hairpick with sharp tines? Knife skills just aren't sacred anymore… I guess it would make a decent meat tenderizer, also.
    I end up seeing most of these gadgets on the shelves at Goodwill.

  2. 90% of the stuff in here you can do faster with standard kitchen equipment. It would cost less for the standard stuff as well.

  3. Посмотрев на эти гаджеты, подумал, когда же кто-то изобретет приспособление для выдавливания говна из человека, а то самостоятельно ой как трудно.

  4. Rather the 40 most useless gadgets you can do well without.. But the hot dog warmer must top it for the most useless gadget ever invented.

  5. 1. you don't need extra equipment to WARM AND PUT A SAUSAGE INSIDE BREAD.
    2. Stars just learn how to use a freaking knife.
    3. Use kitchen towel to open lids.
    2:47 bottle opener? if you can't with a towel, give the rim a few small hits with a knife and you are done
    cant see this anymore so dumb

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