Forspoken reviewed by Tom Marks on PlayStation 5, also available on PC. Square Enix’s latest action RPG is the kind of game …
Forspoken reviewed by Tom Marks on PlayStation 5, also available on PC. Square Enix’s latest action RPG is the kind of game …
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This game is black girl excellence!!
This don’t look next-gen graphics.
How about outfits and towns in this game?
This is just a shittier version of ghost wire Tokyo
Why dose the audio sound so bad in the game?
Well, if even IGN gave it 6/10, the game is an ultimate garbage. Pretty sure it will soon be available to PS plus members for free
So wait until it’s $30
I knew that from the start.
€80 for this? How about €1 instead.
The review text actually reads like the game's verdict in the end. Tom Marks, fam, nicely job!
Why is everyone in this game so generic looking? She looks like someone you'd meet at your local Starbucks
bet its a "didn't meet sales expectations" type of game. So we can agree that Square can't do sht unless it has Final Fantasy in its title and even then it could could be a Gamble.
How do games keep misfiring so badly!? Ghostwire Tokyo, Gotham Knights and now this, all very pretty, initially cool sounding and ultimately completely lifeless letdowns.
The Nickelback of RPGs
6 as expected
We all saw that coming.
This look like a game made by Netflix writers.
Just me or does the protagonist look like twitch streamer Valkraye
IGN gave low score to woke game??? Wow that's new
Why do westerners act like isekai is so common amongst fantasy it's not its only popular in Japan
6/10, saved you 9 min
Interesting concept wasted by rushed development
all you had to say was 80€
So this is an isekai game
That's what we get for saying FFXV was decent
The opening is literally any isekai
So this is the next gen game that is not suitable for ps4. Laughable.
Why is the audio of the recording so bad
Thanks for saving me $70, IGN
80 euros for this lmao
Saw this one coming 100 miles away
Joss Whedon and his consequences have been a disaster to the human race.
Just waiting for the sexist argument to start
15 hour campaign and zoomer banter. Square should be ashamed at how they've fallen while Bandai of all companies have taken their spot.