5 Bartending Gadgets Tested by Design Expert | Well Equipped | Epicurious

5 Bartending Gadgets Tested by Design Expert | Well Equipped | Epicurious

Design and usability guru Dan Formosa returns to evaluate and improve upon 5 gadgets meant to make you the best home bartender you can be. Watch as he …


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  1. CO2, like anything else you want to add to water must be dissolved into the water. You got some dissolved when the water agitated during the charging process, but you must shake the bottle to get the pressurized CO2 to dissolve into the water and create a seltzer.

  2. The problem of the last gadget is not that the cartridge can't carbonate the water, but the pressure that used to shoot the water out of the bottle is making all that gas to just go away. I would change the inner mechanism not to "spray" the water, but to make the water spill in a… ummm… "Smooth waterfall"? I'm sorry, i don't know the word for it. XD

    That would make it not only more effective, but also would make it a little more usable. And that would definetly be at least 3.5 or even 4 in the buy rate.

  3. I'm not a bartender, but my alcoholic dad had me make his drinks so I learned to make a few. You can actually strain with a Boston Shaker without needing to use a strainer, just crack the two cups and use the gap to filter out large chunks. Better if you prefer some tiny bits of crushed ice in the drink (which my dad absolutely did). It's actually faster than the "all-in-one" because the ice travels further, having the length of 2 cups rather than just 1, so it gets colder faster. The one we had had a rubber seal around the lip of the smaller cup too which made it a breeze. Easily the best shaker I have used.

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