More guns and more madness: that’s what Saints Row: The Third offers gamers. But can the crazy crime title deliver yet another insane dose of over the top …
More guns and more madness: that’s what Saints Row: The Third offers gamers. But can the crazy crime title deliver yet another insane dose of over the top …
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What's the music ?
10 years later. This game still holds up.
What is that intro song?
better than gta in some ways
Lol.why would you play this game as a chick??
1:20 Wow ! Now that's juicy ??
_Shows nudity…..
I remember this on the ps3 ?
wow… if this review were to have come out in 2020 everyone on the internet would be triggered
Which one better
This or SR2?
saint a row is the ripoff that people enjoy to play
evertime i played my charater had to wear the fighter skin and my veachiles were the tank and the jet ( anyone who plays the game should know wich one im talking about)
Driving is boring.If getting hit with cars to get money is your favorite thing,then the rest must be crap.
Remastered vs. Original.
A near masterpiece held back by some flaws mostly applying to replay value, technical issues, and storytelling but overall a goddamn thrilling experience.
2:33 hopefully the remastered fixes this issue.
This game and 2 are both the best open world games ever made
I enjoyed this game much more than GTA 4 & Watch Dog 1. I would give rating 9.5 instead of 8.5
WTF am i watching this, it came out 10 years ago
Who else here for the remastered version?
You came here for the remastered version right? ;D
I hate Zeimos
Damn I used to hate my dad because he wouldn’t let me get this but I’m guessing this video was the reason why
Still the craziest video game I've ever played and I loved every second of it
honestly, this should be up there with skyrim and minecraft for game of the decade!
$5 on sale .. Hmm Should I?
I actually like The Third more than 2.
This is one of my favorite games of all-time
Saints row 2 is by far the greatest of all the games ?
looks horrible
Playing this in 2k19 on xbox one X.
I just bought this on sale for like $3 and I like it more than the GTA series. Well optimized and runs fine on MAX settings on my my Phenom X4 965BE 3.4GHZ, 8GB oc DDR2 Ram yes DDR2, RX560 4GB card and a 1TB old school HDD and game load in secs. I built this rig many years ago and has Windows 7.
Epic game ??