Am I the only one that didn't really like it idk I'm mixed…
What turn me off from the movie is the trailers if the jokes are as bad in the movie as they are in the trailers I do not want to see this movie
“let’s watch dad get arrested”
Toy Story 5 2028???
Is this the Cinefix guy??
Great movie! But a heartbreaking ending…
I found it boring in the antique shop to much dark and not colorful
I cried so hard when Woody want to leave Bo. That was just.. emotional.
Toy story 2 Toy story 4 Toy story 3 Toy story 1
This pretty much wraps up my childhood End of an era ???
10/10 c'mon dawg
Toy story was pretty much my childhood and when toy story 3 came out I was just 9. Cried so hard when Andy left and now in toy story 4 I'm 17 years of age , didn't think I would cry but still had a tear in my eye. Toy story has to be the best pixar sequel
Also. That ending luxo- I Mean duke kaboom.
Seriously. Only 9,5 /10. You can go to hell with that
I personally think Toy Story has NEVER had a failed sequel. I like Toy Story 2 the most but still 4 was great!
6/10 for me. Horrible plot
I pretty sure Andy’s gonna Get pissed when he finds out what Bonnie did to Woody
I want another movie that closes out Buzz and Jessie’s story arcs
That's my childhood, go get em???
7.8 "Too many toys" – ign
I haven't seen the movie yet but can someone tell me if it is touching and sad ?
Buzz : to the infinity Woody : and beyond
Is Andy in this?
Wow the amount of spoilers in this review is shocking! At least warn people before you spoil movies IGN
Verdict 9.5
I feel as though they have completely destroyed toy story for me… thanks toy story 4
Am I the only one that didn't really like it idk I'm mixed…
What turn me off from the movie is the trailers if the jokes are as bad in the movie as they are in the trailers I do not want to see this movie
“let’s watch dad get arrested”
Toy Story 5 2028???
Is this the Cinefix guy??
Great movie! But a heartbreaking ending…
I found it boring in the antique shop to much dark and not colorful
I cried so hard when Woody want to leave Bo. That was just.. emotional.
Toy story 2
Toy story 4
Toy story 3
Toy story 1
This pretty much wraps up my childhood
End of an era ???
10/10 c'mon dawg
Toy story was pretty much my childhood and when toy story 3 came out I was just 9. Cried so hard when Andy left and now in toy story 4 I'm 17 years of age , didn't think I would cry but still had a tear in my eye. Toy story has to be the best pixar sequel
Also. That ending luxo- I Mean duke kaboom.
Only 9,5 /10. You can go to hell with that
I personally think Toy Story has NEVER had a failed sequel. I like Toy Story 2 the most but still 4 was great!
6/10 for me. Horrible plot
I pretty sure Andy’s gonna Get pissed when he finds out what Bonnie did to Woody
I want another movie that closes out Buzz and Jessie’s story arcs
That's my childhood, go get em???
"Too many toys"
– ign
I haven't seen the movie yet but can someone tell me if it is touching and sad ?
Buzz : to the infinity
Woody : and beyond
Is Andy in this?
Wow the amount of spoilers in this review is shocking! At least warn people before you spoil movies IGN
Verdict 9.5
I feel as though they have completely destroyed toy story for me… thanks toy story 4