iPhone 16/16 Pro Review: Times Have Changed!

iPhone 16 is here. Job finished? Job ain’t finished. Find a new wallpaper with the Panels app! https://get.panels.art/ MKBHD …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. Love this channel and as a Youtube Content Creator myself i love to support my fellow creators but maaaan this is too expensive for some wallpapers that i can get some free sick ones online….Sorry i have to pass on this one.

  2. Wallpaper app aside.. the one thing that kind of bugs me is that they advertise the 16 as ground up for Apple Intelligence however, the 15 pro are getting all the same features (at least that's what I think). Strip that away and the 16 is probably the smallest IPhone update we've seen in years, probably even smaller than the S style updates we used to get back when. It's sad how hardware upgrades are soon going to be pushed to the back and now AI related features will be the headlining feature. Plus this AI stuff is it really that useful?

  3. I started to see this guys true spirit when I saw his ridiculous interview with Tim Cook never pushing him on anything just kissing his A. Now trying to push a wallpaper app that no one in their right mind should get or needs in a joke ! he's trying to be like Apple thinking people will just buy because its him . Nice try but no way !

  4. I had 11 pro max definitely worth the upgrade was really debatable on 16 pro max specifically having the 120hz but the 16 is such a step up from my 11 pro max that was barely surviving major difference

  5. Kind of weird to be watching an MKBHD review on the phone he’s reviewing. I pretty much agree with his impressions and conclusion. My XS was kicking the bucket so the 16 Pro is a great upgrade for me. I wanted the nicer screen and cameras, and I didn’t get it for the promised future features. I do need to play around with the camera more. The camera button is neat but gimmicky. It is good as a quick launch shortcut and a shutter button.

  6. Came with popcorn for the usual Apple vs Android war but had to get SPF cream with the way bro is getting cooked.

    Should not have launched the app on the highlight video of the year.

  7. kinda like the idea though of the panels app! I mean you are literally generating money through adds why do we need to pay for subscription again! It’s just don’t make sense even after watching 2adds back to back it only gives a low resolution image where the higher resolution image is still under the subscription tag! You can do better! BTW deleted the app after that!

  8. Backdrops – 5 bucks lifetime
    Wallcraft – 5 bucks per year

    Exponentially better wallpaper apps for cheap and here you are selling us an overpriced wallpaper app, Marques, a wallpaper app?! 😂 Good try though.

  9. Protruding camera lenses is something I just never understood. It's so bad. Just make the phone slightly thicker, and give us a bigger battery to boot. It's win win. People just seem to accept sticking out camera lenses. It's so weird.

  10. 8k is for me is still a gimmick in todays tech. No phone can view 8k and most internet are slow to load 8k and only a few owns 8k tv or monitor. Id say almost 99% ppl view social media on their $100-$1000 phones with 1080p screen. Not worth bragging to have 8k capabilities when no one is capable of viewing it.

  11. So you know about the faster, wireless charging, you’ve been using this phone for two weeks, but you didn’t take the time to actually try it?

    You keep up this shitty work Mark and I’m gonna unsubscribe. Your reviews are not nearly as good as some other reviewers nowadays.

  12. Wow. I skipped past the panels app promo and never really thought about it after that, until I saw the comments. I use a black background on my phone and whatever wallpaper that comes with my laptop on it. I’m not into wallpapers so I guess I don’t understand why people got so triggered over it. Anyway….back to the video. Most people just aren’t enamored over AI whether it’d Artificial Intelligence or Apple Intelligence. I’d rather Apple takes their time and get it right like they usually do rather than rush it to market like the android makers have done to have bragging rights for being first.

  13. Just from my use case, it’s a major issue that 120hz video recording isn’t mentioned to only work on 1x and 2x zoom. That’s literally the only reason I’m not upgrading and the review mentions nothing about that

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