Will the Next iPhone Have AI?

In this clip, Marques, Andrew, and David talk about the new Siri in the developer beta and all of the features that it has (and some …


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About the Author: Waveform Clips


  1. The main issue with other models not getting Apple Intelligence even tough the chips have the capability, like iPhone 15 & Plus, is due to the requirement of having 8GB RAM, and these 2 models don’t have that.
    And that is the reason why iPhone 16 starting from base models are now gonna get 8GB RAM Base.

  2. I don’t know if it’s because they don’t want bad press and are intentionally holding back but if it’s not tested or out yet with the launch so close, I am very concerned. These AI features are the very ones they NEED to test before it comes out

  3. The iPhone 17 seems to be the iPhone to be waiting for. Considering Apple has pretty much rushed out Apple Intelligence as a delayed response to Google, OpenAI and Microsoft's popular A.I. offerings, I'd wager iPhone 16 Pro phones are just barely adequate enough to handle some of what Apple Intelligence is being advertised to bring. By the time iPhone 17 Pro is ready to deploy, we may have the iPhone that's truly designed from the ground up for A.I.

  4. Better question is why are parts of this not available for older iPhone. They been packing these nural cores that go unused for years and now it was a waste of silicon

  5. I think this is Apple rushing into AI because they don’t want to be behind but none of these are like iPhone 4 upgrade to get Siri. Why would I leave my iPhone 13 mini that I like for this.

  6. I don’t know about the regular 16 but the pro will have quite a couple new features they could focus on:

    – larger screen
    – thinner bezels
    – larger battery plus more efficient chip
    – new capture button with half press and zoom rocker
    – 48megapixel ultra wide

  7. WWDC is just a conference. And omg so tired of people saying any brand other than apple having an ECOSYSTEM. Other than google just now coming into one having the tablet, phone, watch, buds, and its operating system. Just because they loan it out, it is still their os. Just like apple.

  8. Big features, to me, I would like to see in the next iOS. A better setup for the Hidden Photo Album. Like, organization. Real life example. I took a picture of my cars license plate for when I pay for parking in the city. I couldn’t find it. I go to my car insurance pic, I didn’t see it. I had to walk back to my car in the parking deck, that has no signal, then walk back out after I got it. To pay for parking. That’s frustrating. I would also like to have Journal on the iPad. I actually use that a lot. It reminds me of an app I loved more than Facebook that use to be called Path. I hate Path went away. And Facebook isn’t a bad app to me. I use the Facebook Messenger app way more than text or iMessage. But Path felt like privacy and freedom to whomever you want to connect with. And Journal has that same feel, but I cannot add no one to it. So, when I pass away. No one will have access to it. I’m not saying it should be shared. But it would be nice if I could export a moment to someone I want to share it with who uses Journal as well and they can add it to their timeline as well. Kind of like Shared Albums in photo. But Journal will be used more.

  9. I just want a phone that performs well and does normal phone things. This relentless chasing of new, incredible features that no one needs is getting tiring. And it's not just the tech/ phone industry. It's like this in just about every industry.

  10. Is apple falling behind the pixel? I loved the look of everything the pixel released around their 8 range but are they really worth it? Will the pixel 9 bring alot more cool stuff like to the table?😊

  11. oh apple needs to see what the competition is doing then copy then amends then release it claiming it innovation that will change the face of iphone! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  12. And the smarter Siri 2.0 is not on iOS 18.1 beta 1 people are getting confused cuz they don’t understand why Siri looks different but is not smarter it’s because it’s only visual changes for Siri in 18.1 beta 1 not Siri 2.0 maybe we’ll see that in the next beta

  13. Hearing tech reviewers complain about how “bad” a BETA product is is lame. These folks are starting to sound like the general public in regards to understanding what prerelease means. Pretty lame imo. They should just wholly skip talking about alphas, betas, and canaries. I fear my days of listening and watching this channel is coming to an end.

  14. I want to ask can you disable some of the Apple intelligent features? Like im not comfortable knowing an AI is watching my screen 24/7 can i disable that and keep other features on?

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