Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League – Official Story & Gameplay Overview

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - Official Story & Gameplay Overview

Join members of the development team at Rocksteady for a deep dive into the story and gameplay of Suicide Squad: Kill the …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. I'm so glad they are giving King Shark some respect. He's one of my favorite DC characters and the movies turned him into a bad joke. I'll buy the game just because of King Shark. He's a badass demigod who took over the 9th district of Atlantis and pretty much rules it. He deserves way better than what the movies did to him.

  2. its a shame that all this talented people had to make the game their greedy "superiors" wanted, one thing it´s clear, we had to make them know we aren´t up for this GaaS sh*´t they are trying to give us.

  3. Certain nerd gamers are so annoying. They were all raving about, omg the Spiderman games are so aaaawesome! Then they look at this game and all of a sudden their opinion is like, me not like that dat ez not like old batman games, me angry nerd now 😂😂😂

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