iPhone 16E – Watch this BEFORE you BUY!

iPhone 16E – 20 Things BEFORE you BUY! WallpaperZ – https://zoneoftech.co.uk/products/wallpaperz WallpaperZ Store …


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About the Author: ZONEofTECH


  1. To be honest the iphone se line was always a good bargain in features for the price especially if you wanted the most affordable way into the apple wall garden.

    This phone is what I assumed the iphone se line was going to be from the beginning, its up to consumers to vote with their wallets.

  2. youtubers talking about cheep iphone… it is so funny. youtubers can only talk about best modcels because aperture on camera has been improved for almost 2.6% which is upgrade from last year. Now they have a problem. iphones look similar. they want bigger apple logo just to feel it is different. Maybe they should make iphone looking like a frog

  3. I pulled the trigger on this phone, moving up from a iphone 8 (256). I had considered moving to an 12 mini, (have owned one), but like the 8 as a Temp. What sold me was the over good rebate at Tmobile, $250 for the old 8 and that was $250 off the cost of the 256GB model, Black at $699. Used the remaining $$ to get a case, screen protector, adapter, & extra power cord. Tax in TX was $67. so for me, I paid. $449+67=516/ with accessories totaling, $130 for adapter $20, extra Cable $20, MagSafe CASE $50 and Screen Protector $40 Expect it, about March 4th.

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