Had the opportunity to drive a Ferrari Portafino through the streets of Florence Italy with a instructor was was obviously pretty chill lol
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I know were that tunnel is ahahha, actually you can see me driving my car on the opposite lane when you were accelerating, I Rember seeing a ferrari passing by
I was in Italy and we were in a rush. We asked the taxi driver to take is their fast. He started going 130+ in 70 zones 💀. Props to the driver who we tipped because he did get us right on time
tunnels are like car guys heaven
Not so worried about the speed limit in the tunnel😂
100km/h in 5 seconds
Nerds gummy clusters
Imagine going 70km/h in first gear lmao, mine starts screaming at me if i do 20km/h without shifting to second
Need for speed no limits irl
Sound likes a Mercedes a45 💀
This ferrari sounds like shit
Turbos killing all the fun.
Him: Tunnel 🫵
Guy with him: 👍
Yoooo bro ur at Galluzzo I know the place I pass there really often
Is it a Ferrari Portafino?
Give a car guy a ferrari and a tunnel and they can spend months with it
The turbo ruins the sound of a ferrari
First gear feels slow 😂
The speed you just touched is the speed limit in our country 😂
Basically every tunnel in model European country has speeding cameras and if you are caught going 50km/h over you are definitely loosing your license and maybe going to prison.
I am glad that money in Europe does not allow you to endanger everyone around
Money buys both happiness and destruction
Damn dude it seems like first gear in my 2011 V6 mustang is shorter and has more power than this because of the lack of sound but the speedometer says otherwise 💀crazy how sound can change your perception of something
Forza Horizon 4 map?
Probably felt slow because that was around 35-40% throttle
Love Ferraris
In Italy, when highways are not too crowded, people cruise at around 150-170 kph (100+mph) while the speed limit is 130 kph (80mph), even with their shitboxes. I never understood why in America there is police everywhere and if you speed by 10mph they chase you but there are still many crashes in America. Here the people go quick on average in highways as the police doesn’t enforce the speed limit too much but there still aren’t so many crashes. This is going to change soon though as new laws are passing on with heavier fines and more patrol, so have fun before it won’t be possible!
Also I got to 296km/h (~180mph)
Nice Portofino by the way
I can confirm my z900 brings me happiness money buys happiness
FYI; the speed limit in Italy on SS or SP is 90km/h
Beautiful steering wheel on dat
Brown instructor, everything checks out
It sounded like a 1.6l from a Toyota Yaris Gr
come suona male
This is florence
That seems slow. My car does the same speed at the same gears. Probs way more gears and he didnt floor it.
Money does buy happiness! That looks like a lot of fun! 💪🤩
Welcome to my country bro❤
Money clearly buying stupidity
"What's the speed limit….We don't care about that" ROFL. Speed Limits are for the peasants.
Very cool what part of Italia?