In this video I fly the Hytobp AE8 Evo GPS stabilized camera drone. This is my second try with the model. You can see my first …
In this video I fly the Hytobp AE8 Evo GPS stabilized camera drone. This is my second try with the model. You can see my first …
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Look at it this way. You're saving a lot of people a lot of money. $$. Good job!
One thing to look for when agreeing to review (or purchase) a drone is that if the phone doesn't have a cable to connect to the controller, it will disappoint every time, GPS or not.
If it’s not DJI I have no use for it!!
That wasn't the greatest of success stories, Marcus! Did it have a firmware update waiting, if so, has it improved it?
Doing a little Marcus marathon on your channel let’s get all these birds in the air
will you get all that beeping when you recoding lol
and goin say youtube put 6 adds in ur vid seem be pain in the ass adds
if you think new people buy it frist time going put them of drones .will be bad wifi ? or need updateing drone think be one not to buy marcus thank for all hard work try get fly right .think need look that one to ha
I wasn't a fan of the fight controls on this drone. Or the FPV feed. I might wait for the pro version to come out. Great honest review, you did what you could with it. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Marcus, thank you for the review. It's another Do-Not-Buy drone. Looks like it isn't available to buy, good.
"Currently Unavailable". I know you like doing drone videos, but when it doesn't work the first time, and nobody has ever heard of it before, why bother? As with the Potensic, once the thing gives YOU problems, people aren't going to take a chance that it MIGHT be OK.
You have so much patience Marcus!! I think the very first rule for any camera drone is no wifi connection to the phone, that form of connection is just awful.
I love how honest and patient you test the drones. I would have thrown that thing in the nearest bin after like 5 minutes. Great job as always my friend.
Ooh not so good!! I feel this one will be left on your shelf to get some dust

I also have ATOM drones that get stuck at more than 900 meters, but the prices of these drones are there.
Boy oh boy! You are a patient man! Scary video – no precision – no nuttin! Glad you're safe. And thank goodness they aren't available anymore. . . Currently unavailable.
We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.
I hope you didn’t pay money for that pos
That drone would stop and reverse while you were holding forward. hat is a strange drone, a lil scary. Thanks for showing us this flawed little bird. Ive bought an out of control drone by a company known for making good drones and just like yours it started up and then took off but not at a picinic table but towards a group of small children. I dove and caught the landing gear and pulled it to the ground
Video quality wasn't that bad. Drone was garbage. Shame. I even went on the link you posted to see what the price was and is currently unavailable.
Guess they saw your review and took it down. And your video has been out 6 hours. Great review. You are so nice about your reviews. Even if it tests super poorly. Keep em coming
Another meh drone but I've seen worse lol
I believe the term is “not ready for prime time”.
A product still at beta level. On amazon it says "Currently unavailable" – guess for what reason …
A minior bug in the software seems to be the display of the GPS coordinates: it shows E116.430699. It should be either W(est) or "-" minus 116.430699.
Hi, What are you using to receive the audio from your DJI mic? I'm thinking about buying one and I'm trying to decide if I should by the Tx Rx combo or just the Tx and bluetooth it to my phone. Thanks
Hey Marcus ! I thought of something good to say about this "drone". If it's tall enough you could use it as a fine bumper stop for your tires.
You really tried to get it to work but this one just couldn't make the cut. Hope all is well .
I think Hubsan would be a better choice.
Oh my. This drone has some issues.stabilityand non responsive control.
My friend. Another great video 
. I truly appreciate your honest and patience
Hi Marcus
Hope you have a great weekend and thank you so very much. God bless you and your family always
wow. Marcus a great honest review as always.
I've just bought 15 of them & I'm getting rid of my Neo
I can see that there is no pleasure chasing the drone around the sky, while trying to make it do what you want.
It was interesting that when you hit the RTH function, that it did not turn around. Instead it backed up towards the home point. Who thought that was a good idea?
Another great video proving the point of paying more for a sound product. Dji every time
. Simon
Unfortunately if you buy cheap Chinese rubbish this is what you get a drone that doesn't fly well
Este dron tiene más I.A. que el Neo, hace lo que le da la gana
I really never liked ur videos,,u r soo boring and ur thumbnails are from stone age..
Bad Drone , so nobody will buy this for that money , every 4 k is better and for the price the best choice!
This review of the Hytobp AE8 Evo GPS Camera Drone highlights some significant issues. Marcus struggled with the drone's stability, control, and FPV signal. The controls felt vague, and the drone often drifted off course. Despite taking a few pictures, these problems significantly impacted the overall flying experience. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this drone and if you've encountered similar issues.
First View..Thanks for these Videos