Please make a video where you go visit all the major silicon valley companies' campuses!
Hernandez Lisa Thomas Sarah Hall Mary
Hernandez Sandra Thomas Barbara Lewis Betty
Clark Edward Gonzalez Jessica Brown Donald
New York Pizza is overrated…
Williams Mary Miller Jennifer Wilson Kimberly
Miller Helen Allen Melissa Johnson Brian
I would sure like to visit one day
as an architect, i studiesd that building .. shouts out to norman foster for designing it, the cridet is not really for apple but for the amazing architecture firm. but odcourse apple gets in the vivion for the park.
Wilson Charles Lewis Edward Jones Donna
For the handrails, at the newer apple stores, they have the same carved stone railings, and I chucked many plastic water bottles down the path. really cool
Jackson Larry Hernandez Sandra Williams Michelle
Unofficial Sales employees of Apple
Harris Ronald Lopez Larry Lopez Kenneth
9:08 in the twist of the century they give the green badges to the higher class.
Perez Edward Wilson Sandra Williams Cynthia
Martin Larry Hall Ronald Johnson Amy
Hernandez Joseph Lee Donna Lee David
Hearing the iPhone Tim Cook story is crazy because I just went back to the interview and he's asking Tim questions from an iPhone. I guess he switched devices.
I hope to see a new Barista member join the studio channel.
what is the aspect ratio of this video? is it 17:9?
Regards the services in the ceiling of the Steve Jobs Theater, both the electrical wiring and the plumbing for the fire sprinkler system run through the beading between the panes of the glass – the plumbing was specifically designed for this use case, pretty remarkable feat if you ask me, as a mechanical engineer
Have you guys seen any prototypes of future iPhones in apple park?
I worked at apple, it’s incredible in there……
It’s simply disrespectful to hold a Samsung on your hand while interviewing Tim Cook in an Apple building in an Apple event. That is just purely disrespectful to the whole organization and the opportunity. If that didn’t come to ur mind u must ba arrogant af
Wilson Sarah Harris Lisa Martinez Frank
Taylor Sharon Young Michelle Young Maria
Please make a video where you go visit all the major silicon valley companies' campuses!
Hernandez Lisa Thomas Sarah Hall Mary
Hernandez Sandra Thomas Barbara Lewis Betty
Clark Edward Gonzalez Jessica Brown Donald
New York Pizza is overrated…
Williams Mary Miller Jennifer Wilson Kimberly
Miller Helen Allen Melissa Johnson Brian
I would sure like to visit one day
as an architect, i studiesd that building .. shouts out to norman foster for designing it, the cridet is not really for apple but for the amazing architecture firm. but odcourse apple gets in the vivion for the park.
Wilson Charles Lewis Edward Jones Donna
For the handrails, at the newer apple stores, they have the same carved stone railings, and I chucked many plastic water bottles down the path. really cool
Jackson Larry Hernandez Sandra Williams Michelle
Unofficial Sales employees of Apple
Harris Ronald Lopez Larry Lopez Kenneth
9:08 in the twist of the century they give the green badges to the higher class.
Perez Edward Wilson Sandra Williams Cynthia
Martin Larry Hall Ronald Johnson Amy
Hernandez Joseph Lee Donna Lee David
Hearing the iPhone Tim Cook story is crazy because I just went back to the interview and he's asking Tim questions from an iPhone. I guess he switched devices.
I hope to see a new Barista member join the studio channel.
what is the aspect ratio of this video? is it 17:9?
Regards the services in the ceiling of the Steve Jobs Theater, both the electrical wiring and the plumbing for the fire sprinkler system run through the beading between the panes of the glass – the plumbing was specifically designed for this use case, pretty remarkable feat if you ask me, as a mechanical engineer
Have you guys seen any prototypes of future iPhones in apple park?
I worked at apple, it’s incredible in there……
It’s simply disrespectful to hold a Samsung on your hand while interviewing Tim Cook in an Apple building in an Apple event. That is just purely disrespectful to the whole organization and the opportunity. If that didn’t come to ur mind u must ba arrogant af
11:45 "Best part of Apple Park for sure"….

Nice Treehouse merch
Do people still run into the glass?
Everything and everyone is up talking with vocal fry. Wtf. Annoying.
where is B1M?
i thought it was the underside of an oil filter