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About the Author: Business of Esports


  1. Also loving the new intro here but was surprised with the news of ESPN cutting out esports. I thought they had done a pretty good job with it but like you said it did lack many things when providing it through they're cut throat audience when it comes to esports. Hopefully maybe in the future espn launches they're own channel solely dedicated to esports instead of mixing it with traditional esports.

  2. I enjoyed that new intro. The ESPN news is not surprising to me because I always think that ESPN's audience is a lot older. The older generation that follows traditional sports has little to no interest in esports on ESPN. Even the younger generation who is the main target in esports, does not look at ESPN for esport coverage. There was nothing unique about it and the effort they put into it was very poor which contributed to the reason why ESPN shut down esport coverage.

  3. Enjoyed the new intro! Espn esports events were always bland to me in my opinion. It felt grey as if they were being forced to put out the content. Starting esports on a widely known traditional sports channel was questionable from the beginning. EnvyUs having an insider subscription was not thought through enough. Even though they might have a core audience who would love the content, I'm not sure if any casuals would put their hard-earned money into it. They would simply look elsewhere. Immortals selling their teams is disappointing for Activision. The framework they are using to create successful leagues needs innovation.

  4. Loving the intro. I always saw espn esports as fake and clearly trying to get their foot in the domain. I personally would never go to espn when I'm curious about something esports related and I'm sure a lot of my fellow gamers felt the same way. I don't see a need in the market for a subscription to insider content of a gaming team. The name although is pretty interesting in my opinion, a play on their team name and giving everyone the "insider" feel. Im interested to see where Immortals goes from here with selling their teams. With games such as Overwatch slowly declining year after year I wonder what games will come around that bring a lot of hype, a big audience, and most importantly a GOOD esports scene.

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