The new Canons are definitely the best of the best I've ever seen, especially the R5 II. Even after watching all the breakdown videos on the camera, I can't find anything wrong with it. Finally someone got it right with their mirrorless camera!
13:10 didn't expect my phone to show up on the show 3 years later
Amazing episode guys! I wonder what apple’s response will be.
@waveform, I found this about the cr-48. So it would make sense why the chromecast is the first. CR-48 At a December 7, 2010, press briefing, Google announced the Chrome OS Pilot Program, a pilot study and the first Chromebook, the Cr-48 Chrome Notebook, a prototype, to test the Chrome OS operating system and modified hardware for it. The device had a minimal design and was all black, completely unbranded although it was made by Inventec, and had a rubberized coating. The device was named after Chromium-48, an unstable isotope of the metallic element Chromium, and the participants were named Cr-48 Test Pilots. Google distributed about 60,000 Cr-48 Chrome Notebooks between December 2010 and March 2011 for free to participants and in return asked for feedback such as suggestions and bug reports. The Cr-48 was intended for testing only, not retail sales.
13:15 You'd think after 10+ years of doing YouTube, Marques would know that you can just edit in a picture into the video rather than poorly holding up your laptop to the camera from 10 feet away (1:17:07)
I thought the trivia answer could be the Google Glass, and I googled it and it came out in February 2013
You guys(BIG TECH YOUTUBE CHANNELS) are not doing enough to get Google to give the bricked pixel 6 phones a proper fix. You can do better
Maybe the new HomePods are made from 100% recycled materials from the previously existing HomePods
Google is currently experiencing significant issues, but the Pixel is not one of them. Many people are facing problems with upgrading storage in Google One or making purchases in the Play Store due to issues with payments, particularly pointed to us by Google as payment profiles and country settings errors. Unfortunately, Google has not been effective in addressing these issues, and their customer support has been unhelpful. There have been numerous complaints about this on Reddit for months, and it's a disappointing situation, just plain disrespect.
This show is getting more progressive and anti-capitalist by the week. Love to see it.
They should just scrape the YouTube comments.
I thought this "MKBHD" was a "bajillion dollar company" too.
Apple is not contributing anything to human creativity and innovation, and they are just taking everything and hoarding everything for themselves.
I have always wondered why YouTube does not become a sign-in only website. Those of us who sign-in will remain unaffected.
Ellis’ take on supporting people is awesome!
Ok I figured it out. The picture is from the intersection of US 98 and CR 30a. the red is actually a Coca Cola gas station sign that is blending in with the trucks red fog lights. There's a subway in the gas station that's in Santa Rosa beach, zip code 32459 if you want to find it yourself. This picture is also in 2019 or later because the street light has now been removed but is still on the google image 2019 view. The suspension looks like it's Stryker.
its definitely real. too many small details that are correct. the compression on the limited part is too real. The stop light is accurate, 30a Florida, very large road. also why fake the image? there's lots of real images of this exact scenario. AI would have messed up the light post and the reflections on the 06 navigator. The red is a bit of an illusion. The fog lights have a red housing and the other red is probably a faceplate for some the suspension.
AI sharpening, Topez AI. It's rampant on FB. To people who don't know it looks better. to people who do know it's rage bait.
did they ever mention that the apple intelligence that will release with iOS 18 wasn't trained on the youtube data set?
The difference between a Human creating and an AI creating — in terms of inspiration — is that a Human is the author and the AI is the tool. If you are using a tool based on another author's creations, you should pay the original author, too. The benefits from the creation should be spread throughout all traceable authors that allowed for it to emerge. "Traceable" is key, here. If you create a tool using a bunch of Davids to generate data, you should pay the Davids; from that point upwards, the trace of influence is murky so the pay distribution "can" stop there. However, if you scrape that data from publicly available information from other authors, they also should be paid — the trace is clear, at least for another step. If your the origins of your data are traceable, you should pay its authors.
Easily, one of the best & most nuanced critiques of AI I’ve heard so far. This was great!
45:00 If output is the only thing that mattered, then minerals mined by child slave labor should not be a concern since its output is the same as ethically sourced material.
I don't care who takes whose data, I just want Ai not to suck.
Bean-ed up
technically it's a %100 recycled idea
"You can't just.. let people vote" Iconic David line.
That photo of the truck is real, its from 3 years ago, or more. The frame is powder coated red and it has a major lift kit. I've seen all kinds of trucks like that over the years, especially at SEMA show (one of the world's biggest car shows for industry). I've seen every colour you can imagine for frame colours. They had an aftermarket metal bumper it looks like, and the bumper does look like it was damaged in the accidebt. Its hard to make out detail super well since the photos is a bit grainy.
are you guys considering posting the video format on Spotify? im not sure what all goes into that but a few other pods i follow have been adding their videos to the site/app
The new batteries on the Canons DO work backwards compatible, just not all features like 8k
Facebook ad ew
Producer guy said that human touch is important, But we replaced 100s of accountents with softwares like excel. No one cares when science part is replaced with computers but when it comes to art, everyone losses their mind
It's so annoying these new AI features aren't available on the Samsung Galaxy S24 series. Like the ones they were released with are OK but the new stuff is way better and would use it alot.
They also had the eye focus with the Canon Elan 2 which I still have
Waaaay too many ads
last week I watch from Milan. this week I watch from Zaandam. next week I'll watch from Paris. Following week it will be from Berlin. Do you want me to open a EU office?
If they used your voice for ai it would be more saying "like", it irritated me like,like like…
Even if it’s the slightest bit different color for the new HomePod mini because of the material being 100% recycled instead of 90%, but they tried to keep it the same color, it would probably be very confusing and just not as clean as Apple is known for, even for the public facing view of it, to keep the same color name. So they may not want to change the color, but it is ever so slightly different because of the recycled content, so it makes sense for them to change the color name
human beings matter more than computers
What I think is good is 1 + open splits the difference between the Galaxy fold and the pixel fold as far usability and I think it's a good middle ground.
david imel jan 6 self report
If you look at the image of the pickup truck that was lifted to high, and couldn’t see the Porsche, I definitely think it’s AI, if you didn’t say it I never would have seen it, but if you look at the wheels of the pickup on the front tire the rim is really weird, and the wheel cap on the black SUV too the right is also messed up, maybe very bad compute from the phone, but it is so bad it’s either a fake iphone from wish that took the photo, or that is a very well done job by the AI.
Edit: Also as Elis (hope it was the right name sorry) pointed out the grill on that F-150 and yes that can’t be real, weirdest grill ever, I live in Sweden so don’t see many trucks, but I like cars and I am genuinely confused if thats a F-150 or a Silverado haha, that’s really bad from the AI though, But pretty much nailed the Porsche, didn’t look too close, but seems pretty good (in the perspective that an AI did that).
The new Canons are definitely the best of the best I've ever seen, especially the R5 II. Even after watching all the breakdown videos on the camera, I can't find anything wrong with it. Finally someone got it right with their mirrorless camera!
13:10 didn't expect my phone to show up on the show 3 years later
Amazing episode guys! I wonder what apple’s response will be.
@waveform, I found this about the cr-48. So it would make sense why the chromecast is the first. CR-48 At a December 7, 2010, press briefing, Google announced the Chrome OS Pilot Program, a pilot study and the first Chromebook, the Cr-48 Chrome Notebook, a prototype, to test the Chrome OS operating system and modified hardware for it. The device had a minimal design and was all black, completely unbranded although it was made by Inventec, and had a rubberized coating. The device was named after Chromium-48, an unstable isotope of the metallic element Chromium, and the participants were named Cr-48 Test Pilots. Google distributed about 60,000 Cr-48 Chrome Notebooks between December 2010 and March 2011 for free to participants and in return asked for feedback such as suggestions and bug reports. The Cr-48 was intended for testing only, not retail sales.
13:15 You'd think after 10+ years of doing YouTube, Marques would know that you can just edit in a picture into the video rather than poorly holding up your laptop to the camera from 10 feet away (1:17:07)
I thought the trivia answer could be the Google Glass, and I googled it and it came out in February 2013
You guys(BIG TECH YOUTUBE CHANNELS) are not doing enough to get Google to give the bricked pixel 6 phones a proper fix. You can do better
Maybe the new HomePods are made from 100% recycled materials from the previously existing HomePods
Google is currently experiencing significant issues, but the Pixel is not one of them. Many people are facing problems with upgrading storage in Google One or making purchases in the Play Store due to issues with payments, particularly pointed to us by Google as payment profiles and country settings errors. Unfortunately, Google has not been effective in addressing these issues, and their customer support has been unhelpful. There have been numerous complaints about this on Reddit for months, and it's a disappointing situation, just plain disrespect.
7:05 | "Beaned Up" –

Pixel 9 looks like an iPhone with a bad boob job!
This show is getting more progressive and anti-capitalist by the week. Love to see it.
They should just scrape the YouTube comments.
I thought this "MKBHD" was a "bajillion dollar company" too.
Apple is not contributing anything to human creativity and innovation, and they are just taking everything and hoarding everything for themselves.
I have always wondered why YouTube does not become a sign-in only website. Those of us who sign-in will remain unaffected.
Ellis’ take on supporting people is awesome!
Ok I figured it out. The picture is from the intersection of US 98 and CR 30a. the red is actually a Coca Cola gas station sign that is blending in with the trucks red fog lights. There's a subway in the gas station that's in Santa Rosa beach, zip code 32459 if you want to find it yourself. This picture is also in 2019 or later because the street light has now been removed but is still on the google image 2019 view. The suspension looks like it's Stryker.
its definitely real. too many small details that are correct. the compression on the limited part is too real. The stop light is accurate, 30a Florida, very large road. also why fake the image? there's lots of real images of this exact scenario. AI would have messed up the light post and the reflections on the 06 navigator. The red is a bit of an illusion. The fog lights have a red housing and the other red is probably a faceplate for some the suspension.
AI sharpening, Topez AI. It's rampant on FB. To people who don't know it looks better. to people who do know it's rage bait.
did they ever mention that the apple intelligence that will release with iOS 18 wasn't trained on the youtube data set?
The difference between a Human creating and an AI creating — in terms of inspiration — is that a Human is the author and the AI is the tool. If you are using a tool based on another author's creations, you should pay the original author, too.
The benefits from the creation should be spread throughout all traceable authors that allowed for it to emerge. "Traceable" is key, here. If you create a tool using a bunch of Davids to generate data, you should pay the Davids; from that point upwards, the trace of influence is murky so the pay distribution "can" stop there. However, if you scrape that data from publicly available information from other authors, they also should be paid — the trace is clear, at least for another step.
If your the origins of your data are traceable, you should pay its authors.
Easily, one of the best & most nuanced critiques of AI I’ve heard so far. This was great!
45:00 If output is the only thing that mattered, then minerals mined by child slave labor should not be a concern since its output is the same as ethically sourced material.
I don't care who takes whose data, I just want Ai not to suck.
Bean-ed up

technically it's a %100 recycled idea
"You can't just.. let people vote" Iconic David line.
That photo of the truck is real, its from 3 years ago, or more. The frame is powder coated red and it has a major lift kit. I've seen all kinds of trucks like that over the years, especially at SEMA show (one of the world's biggest car shows for industry). I've seen every colour you can imagine for frame colours. They had an aftermarket metal bumper it looks like, and the bumper does look like it was damaged in the accidebt. Its hard to make out detail super well since the photos is a bit grainy.
are you guys considering posting the video format on Spotify? im not sure what all goes into that but a few other pods i follow have been adding their videos to the site/app
The new batteries on the Canons DO work backwards compatible, just not all features like 8k
Facebook ad ew
Producer guy said that human touch is important,
But we replaced 100s of accountents with softwares like excel.
No one cares when science part is replaced with computers but when it comes to art, everyone losses their mind
4:24 that thing is an abomination
such a goolge fanboy
It's so annoying these new AI features aren't available on the Samsung Galaxy S24 series. Like the ones they were released with are OK but the new stuff is way better and would use it alot.
They also had the eye focus with the Canon Elan 2 which I still have
Waaaay too many ads
last week I watch from Milan. this week I watch from Zaandam. next week I'll watch from Paris. Following week it will be from Berlin. Do you want me to open a EU office?
If they used your voice for ai it would be more saying "like", it irritated me
like,like like…
Even if it’s the slightest bit different color for the new HomePod mini because of the material being 100% recycled instead of 90%, but they tried to keep it the same color, it would probably be very confusing and just not as clean as Apple is known for, even for the public facing view of it, to keep the same color name.
So they may not want to change the color, but it is ever so slightly different because of the recycled content, so it makes sense for them to change the color name
human beings matter more than computers
What I think is good is 1 + open splits the difference between the Galaxy fold and the pixel fold as far usability and I think it's a good middle ground.
david imel jan 6 self report
If you look at the image of the pickup truck that was lifted to high, and couldn’t see the Porsche, I definitely think it’s AI, if you didn’t say it I never would have seen it, but if you look at the wheels of the pickup on the front tire the rim is really weird, and the wheel cap on the black SUV too the right is also messed up, maybe very bad compute from the phone, but it is so bad it’s either a fake iphone from wish that took the photo, or that is a very well done job by the AI.
Edit: Also as Elis (hope it was the right name sorry) pointed out the grill on that F-150 and yes that can’t be real, weirdest grill ever, I live in Sweden so don’t see many trucks, but I like cars and I am genuinely confused if thats a F-150 or a Silverado haha, that’s really bad from the AI though, But pretty much nailed the Porsche, didn’t look too close, but seems pretty good (in the perspective that an AI did that).
Ellis for Congress!
Bean > Pill
Make chat GPT make all the AI data EZ