Biggest AI announcements from Apple's WWDC 2024

Apple announced “Apple Intelligence” at WWDC 2024, its name for a new suite of AI features for the iPhone, Mac, and more.


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About the Author: The Verge


  1. GPT @ Open: Do you need a facade?
    Siri @ Apple: Get me a facade
    GPT @ Open: 20 Dollars per month till eternity discount Advance in bill 💵.
    What should we call?
    Siri @ Apple: Psst Vision @ Apple
    Vision @ Apple: Just, Apple's 😅

  2. Private cloud computing somewhat contradicts the notion that this feature cannot be accessible on older iPhone models. 📱 It is also strange that Siri is featured doing things it should have been capable of when it was first released. 🤔 Being able to find things just sounds like a spotlight search with extra steps. 🔍 And cool they might have finally figured out notifications. 🎉 I think this announcement is an opportunity to drive hype on a minimum viable product 🚀

  3. 8:41 make evidence appear so you can deny you ever were there or know "that" man or pit someone else's face on your body vice versa. Maybe the gov and courts should start thinking about how to assist their attorney generals and defense lawyers.

  4. between google and apple, good old fashioned pencil on paper is beginning to look more private therefore more secure. Ironically so. 4:30 your personal contexnt 5:30 contexnt of your notifications 6:50 Do't care abutt emoji, just give a Files app implemented across all apps in a universal sensible user interface.

  5. Apple: We take privacy very seriously, as much as possible AI features will use device hardware and not the cloud.

    Also Apple: When you use GPT4o your data will be sent to OpenAI/Microsoft.

    Also Apple: Whenever we/you need to access anything on your phone, even if it's locked we/you now have iPhone Mirroring.

  6. Thanks for this summary.
    Steve Jobs brought us keywords, sort & rules to let us select our photos for our smart albums in iPhotos almost 20 years ago. We need keywords back for iOS. IS there anything in WWDC24 to help us organize our photos with keywords, metadata and use it to select and organize our photos. Memories is great. We need to access our photos ourselves as well..

  7. As said by someone on another YouTube channel, Apple should now DEFINITELY REMOVE the label "Pro" from the iPad line-up! iPadOS it's ridiculous and NOT pro at all. When (and IF) we'll see a TRUE file system, a TRUE multitasking and virtual memory management, a TRUE support for actual mouses and mouse pointer, a TRUE handling of external peripherals and a TRUE external monitor support, THEN and ONLY them they could stick the "Pro" label back again.

  8. So when does Siri become a combination of our little buddy, supercharged personal assistant, confidant, all-wise ChatGPT replacement, etc.?

  9. Oh man, I love AI. Does anyone else love AI? Feels like AI isn’t getting enough attention these days. Wish AI was in more things and used more. AI has so much to offer sharehol- I mean, humanity. God, I adore our bright AI future.

  10. I have iPhone Xs and really wanted to upgrade, but I guess I dodged a bullet when i passed on buying iPhone 15.
    Excited for iPhone 16. AI is the real upgrade.

  11. Can Apple Intelligence on macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, VisionOS… enable the Slovenian language finally? 😂😂😂 Microsoft and Android have supported the Slovenian language for more than 20 years, while Apple Intelligence still doesn't seem to recognize that the Slovenian language exists.

  12. Gonna spend hours writing something and asking Apple to rewrite it to sound professional and then sobbing uncontrollably because I thought I already sounded professional but Apple's AI is like "no, sweeite, let's change every single word into something that sounds like what a grown-up might write, mmmmkay?"

  13. When AI rewrites your emails, that is NOT “your best foot forward”, it’s a facade of your real capabilities and knowledge…. hence an own pad on the shoulder that the millennials so desperately need. However, in the real corporate world, this will not get you far….

  14. If I don't get AI features on my iPhone 15 Plus, I'm going to be pretty disappointed. It feels like I wasted my money, especially since only the 15 Pro series is getting these features. I tried to share my thoughts on Apple's official channel, but the comment section is turned off. I just don't understand why my brand new iPhone doesn't include these important features.

  15. so this upcoming year also $3000 ipad will be just iphone in dex mode.
    why its called ipados 18 when it is just ipados 17.6 with calculator app

  16. I think that their the big failure was starting AI presentation from Animated Images generation not realistic photo generation so I was disappointed at the beginning, but I am a person who doesn’t like to have on my device too many untrusted apps to do separate things and I appreciate all that new features. I prefer to have one device that can do all things and is trusted regarding to security. To be honest every apps and services have access to your data and personal information and is it important for who you give access

  17. "You can create images", No, sorry, you don't create anything, a piece of software actually pretends that it is creative, for you… ? People have lost insight of what creativity is and research has demonstrated that corporatocracy actually destroys creativity. Creative folks are even silenced within mega-corporations. Bless Van Gogh and all genuine artists.

  18. Man I had high hopes but yet again Apple doesn’t fail to disappoint… I will dump the stock. I just don’t see it anymore with Apple. No innovation = no growth

  19. "Apple is in line with mother nature" – "Here are a bunch of AI features that will use a day's worth of electricity of an average household every time you make use of them :))"

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