With record heat waves sweeping the united states night flying is becoming more popular for ripping. Have you flown at night yet?
With record heat waves sweeping the united states night flying is becoming more popular for ripping. Have you flown at night yet?
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The fpv cam im using: https://bit.ly/2WvP8Rv
"I don't wanna hit me … #1, most important thing."
Hella fire ripp

love the vlog style video’s
cool funny video
Respect to you precision is good
So this is a fpv review by a junkie?? Wtf is this
Dope vid
seein the shadow people
Aesop Rock… damn Bot
I ain’t heard that in a solid 12 years
You killed that Rocky Ripp
i subd 40 seconds in lol i actually went back to the moment where you got me just so i can let everyone know on here. ok back to watching hopefully the rest is just as good peace out
I like how you parked sensibly between the lines at 3:00am…
WhaT's the best mount cam for hD fOOTage at night? Yours looks the sh!!T. I have been flying with GoPro HERO8 and dawn is game over for filming.
You are fucking geniues! I wanted to fly at night on day one, now i know how, i never would thought that i could set iso also on my fpv cam! THANKS!!!!! I wish you much love, health and a lot of moneeeyy!
The Bot always has the best music
damn I havnt heard this song in a while….dope. you would play daylight at nighttime hahahah cheers
I like that flip and roll shit you do with the drone I think it's kool

I thought we weren't allowed to fly after dark with FAA rules. Shit is confusing.
Lol you gotta lay off the weed man lmfaox4
Nighttime if the humidity is high I spray myself with OFF so I'm not mosquito meat.
That Gap sign needs a bot sticker
Dude fuck yes!! I learned to fly at night in my apartment complex tiny ass playground. Was pretty well lit so not terrible. I still can’t fly for shit and i smashed my quad the fuck up but I’ve since rebuilt a couple times and would do it again
We been night flying a lot lately with the heat, nice to see we aren't alone
. Great spots, hilarious as always!!!
I saw your post about your friend. My heart goes out to you brother. I've lost so many people in my life. Your in my thoughts Bot.
How would your 4s motors handle 5s I have a bunch of 5s lipos from my first drone the wizzard
Night man!!! Fighter of the day man !!!
Watch out for Unidentified Flying Geese

Your throttle control is is getting so on point dude. I remember your older grave yard flights. Your flow is getting so strong without loosing that classic Botgrinder grit.
Pole! ㅣㅇ미
I remember running up those steps while I was training for a boxing fight.
how in the hell can you still be spooked the the shadowman? like fo real
dude i got this fly running around my quad bench like he runs the place. I keep tryna squash his ass but missing. fukkin had to rewind like 10 times to watch this video. FML…
Iam sure it was your own shadow. There are lights from every direction…
Sick rip on the second pack! Nice one!
Foxeer Cat in B&W is hard to beat for poorly lit night flying, the only thing I've seen that's better is the night eagle pro2
you should try one out
We all love botgrinder but let's be honest, most people have a tendency to judge a book by its cover, and the fact that he was afraid of getting stabbed in a parking lot is kind of hilarious since I'd guess any random person seeing him out there at night would assume he'd be the one that's going to stab them!
I actually really liked this video, because I normally fly at night! Super cool to see someone else does too. I normally have someone with me because I'm also worried about being stabbed.
Just got my first taste of night flying with the Caddx Starlight which is nothing short of amazing. night flying makes me feel like im a bat.
Lol I get freaked out about 2 am. Not from the shadows though, just how much louder it is at 2 then it is at midnight. I like big churches. The ones with schools have kick ass lights and trees