Google Assistant vs Siri vs Cortana vs Alexa

Google Assistant vs Siri vs Cortana vs Alexa

Google’s new voice assistant, Google Assistant, has received quite the warm reception but how does it compare to your former …


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About the Author: TechRadar


  1. There's something wrong with this guy's version of Cortana, because she was able to answer all of those questions when I asked her just now.

  2. I think I know why you went off Cortana!

    My thinking is the more recent AIs tend to be better, maybe I'll be able to make a better decision if I decide to get a Google Home.

  3. I have Google Assistant, so I tried this out, I'm not sure if it works for the others, but say "I'm feeling lucky", to Google Assistant and she'll host an entire trivia show for you, it has music effects, laugh tracks and everything, it's pretty cool. She's basically playing a game with you.

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