Cities: Skylines 2 Review

Cities: Skylines 2 Review

Cities: Skylines 2 reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC. Cities: Skylines 2 is not the best game in the lineage of Will Wright’s original …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. This is…. Disappointing.. companies should not be ok with releasing games with so many issues and expecting gamers to just put up with it until they can release a patch.

  2. Most of these things feel like nitpicking and things CO can easily fix.

    Don’t forget IGN also burned down Starfield. And that’s a great game.

  3. So, there's terraforming. It's free, but you don't use it. Then you're upset that you're lots slope?

    Complain about it being tedious to terraform and that's fair. But to complain that your city looks bad because you didn't use the free built in features to clean it up and blaming it on the game seems off.

  4. Paradox already knows what happened with Cyberpunk 2077 console version. When the performance was so bad, sony forcefully removed it from the playstation store. They don't want to polish and optimize game more for us, but rather, they are scared of ps/xbox performance policy and that it will be removed from the store, if it's not optimized enough.

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