Cities: Skylines 2 reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC. Cities: Skylines 2 is not the best game in the lineage of Will Wright’s original …
Cities: Skylines 2 reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC. Cities: Skylines 2 is not the best game in the lineage of Will Wright’s original …
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From the looks of things, it doesn't need a few months, it needs a few years.
It is just me. Or this video is laggy?
a lot of real life construction is grading and preparing the land, get real bro
Game of the next year
as every other game. wait a while for the final product even though it’s out.

when modders get going this will look and play beautifully
Taxing based on degrees is such a weird choice- is that how it works anywhere in the world?
10 for me
This is…. Disappointing.. companies should not be ok with releasing games with so many issues and expecting gamers to just put up with it until they can release a patch.
This sounds a little whiny…
SimCity 4 FTW!
Creepy children simulator
3:42 "It looked so much better" She says while looking at a garage buried beneath the ground.
Most of these things feel like nitpicking and things CO can easily fix.
Don’t forget IGN also burned down Starfield. And that’s a great game.
So, there's terraforming. It's free, but you don't use it. Then you're upset that you're lots slope?
Complain about it being tedious to terraform and that's fair. But to complain that your city looks bad because you didn't use the free built in features to clean it up and blaming it on the game seems off.
review or review of problems ?
This is definitely not going to be ready for console by spring needs some serious optimisation from what I'm seeing
Thank you for the honest review, my man!
2023 games, game dev will release an unoptimized game, the true performance of the game will be released a year after the release.
what a disappointment, shame on you Paradox
Paradox already knows what happened with Cyberpunk 2077 console version. When the performance was so bad, sony forcefully removed it from the playstation store. They don't want to polish and optimize game more for us, but rather, they are scared of ps/xbox performance policy and that it will be removed from the store, if it's not optimized enough.
This is one of those games that illustrate just how much uglier cities become when you put too many cars into them
Great video
Not being able to handle the terrain is not a failure of the game, but depicts the incompetence of the player. So the criticism is not justified there.
such a biased review lmao
Is it only me or CS2 graphisc and overall buildings design etc looks shitty
To be fair, in the real world, they do level the land before you build. Just level the land.
It was rushed the game