This is a great idea of mine, I hope you guys will support it and give it a more positive rating, thank you all, I love you guys …
This is a great idea of mine, I hope you guys will support it and give it a more positive rating, thank you all, I love you guys …
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All parts name bro
Кто поверил что такие моторчик с дешманскими винтами поднимут человека?
Sandal drone

Good project
Também com essas explicações ( 10:10min ), além do vídeo que foi muitíssimo didático, só não constrói uma máquina dessa se o cabra for muito "OREIA". Rs! É isso!
Can you please sell me the plane

Can you please sell me the plane

Oll parts name
Ain’t no way mi man is flying
hahaha ! fake…. only idiots can believe this shit
This is a creative idea, if you can teach me how to make it, I will pay you well
Typical useless myanmar
Odamni ahmoq qilma oyoq kiyim,tavonga bosim tushmayapdi.Sen nimagadur osilib turibsan.
It's not fair to show us the drone without a human being riding.
Pantek bang Yuang
Sir f450 frame main brushless motor mount kar ne konsi size ke screw chahi ae.
Did you want to sell it
Sadly, you wont be able to get any of the materials here
We are not stupid some one pulled you up
thiên tài vn . Cái đà này thì vài năm nữa anh ta sẽ chế tạo ra máy bay không người lái để phun thuốc với giá chỉ 50 triệu thôi
dilga tushunmadim
It's a fake, but a well done post production video. When taking off, the shoes had to press upward on the lower surface of the feet. This doesn't happen, take a look.
Fodas eu quero um desses