A side-by-side look at Forza Motorsport vs. Gran Turismo 7 graphics including the interior, 3rd person, and hood views available …
A side-by-side look at Forza Motorsport vs. Gran Turismo 7 graphics including the interior, 3rd person, and hood views available …
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Earlier I released a version of this Gran Turismo 7 vs. Forza Motorsport video with a color space issue caused when changing your settings in the menu and not restarting the game. In my case, restarting the console was also necessary. Turn 10 told IGN "We have already checked in a fix for this and it’ll be in the next update." However, this issue was present in all of our console gameplay so it will be recaptured and replaced to give a more accurate representation of Forza Motorsport. Thank you to the fans who pointed me toward the issue. This was a mistake and I apologize for not catching it ahead of publishing. -Destin
Crowd in GT7 is less when racing alone but when racing against other cars it gets denser.
You know you can change the FOV in forza?!?
Two letters: VR
why’d he use gloss paint on one and metallic on another
The reflection on the car model look way better in GT, the colors are much brighter and seem to pop more, but if we are being honest, Forza actually appears damn near real, where as GT still has an animated look.
Playing with sauber mercedes sound better on gran turismo. Overhall GT7 much superior, if you are really into simulation.
forza sky is plain
I've never heard anyone pronounce it All-pine before
GT7 looked horrible when it first came out but with the updates in the last few months the game is looking stunning. Forza looks great but it will need some updating to make it look better.
Prefer the realism of Forza over the uber-shine of gt7
IGN review video was weirdly only 1080p. Just shows they do everything to reduce Xbox games
GT 7 all the day
Forza has better environments and GT7 has better car models. Both are great looking games overall. Also, the dynamic cloud system in GT7 is pretty great.
Vibe always beats fidelity.
The big difference seems to be materials quality. GT has a more reflective and artificial look with more aggressive, unnatural contrast, whereas Forza's materials are more diffuse and natural, as is its lighting model as a whole.
Ing blocked
How far can hatred towards a gaming platform (Xbox) go? Does lying have no limit?
Clearly GT7!
fanboying for Sony
IGN mentirosa, mídia porca mesmo.
2:20 the reflection from the windscreen of the car interior is pretty cool, which is more absent in forza
They picked the worst car and paint for this
If you are a schoolboy, you choose the GT7. If a true hardcore fan – FM
Forza – WIN!
The motion blur on Forza's replay looks kind of wierd, almost annyoing, are they using 'Performance'? it looks quite bad.
2:34 on gt7 looks like the fans left lol
Não era esse vídeo que tá com problemas??? Ainda assim da pra ver que o Forza está bem mais fluido, bora ver quando estiver com ele em mãos pra sentir o volante em mãos
The people reviewing the game play with the racing line on
A mistake that hurts xbox from IGN. Im shocked…
In terms of car models gt7 is just a league on their own pd are wizards here
Ahh yes, my favorite car, the all pine
Forza way better
Gran turismo 7 melhor mil vez.
GT7 is wayyyy ahead… WOWW
There are less things around the track in GT7 because he is in practice mode, when there are no spectators, trucks or tents on the track, because there's no race. When you go in race there is way more trackside detail.
Forza seems to be the winner here
Forza graphics looks impressive… but that camera so close and the super wide lens makes it feel so much arcade game! wonder if there is a setting to fix that
gt7 ftw
Next gen only vs cross gen…I expected a blowout from not being held back.
Gran turismo 7 wins
If this makes any sense, GT has always felt stiff to me. As if the car is completely stationary and the track just moves and rotates under the car.
Forza is amazing, it seems like real life.
Why don't you do a night race? and you compare it, huge difference
Mario Kart is the superior.
Wow, Forza actually got GT7 looking like a race car game whereas it used to look like real life
Why Performance RT and not Quality ? That's unfair.