this dude is one crash away from having to selling a kidney
What if I want it?
Please give me bro
awsome dude
Mungkin dah patut masuk wad.. dalam rumah pun dah makin pelik…
can you adjust the focus while it is flying?
' that coool drone… R/C drone is a not good in the dirty dustsand
I’m usually bored with the same ‘ole same ‘ole aerial footage, but your clips are impressive!
Absolutely stunning footage with the Sony FX6 and Lumenier QAV-Pro Cinelifter, Potato Jet! The speed and quality are mesmerizing. How did you manage to stabilize the camera at 120km/h? Any special techniques or challenges you faced during this shoot? Would love to hear more about the behind-the-scenes process! #CinematicFlight
So dope I've been thinking bout stepping up to a x10 your my hero
Tell price for India
Tell price for India
cool video but the whole vid was very dark
The future of cinematography.
The footage after min 14:00 surprised me, and the music only add even more to it. Very nice.
Chinese DJI is the Best!
Awesome! I love the FX6 for it's 120fps. I'm surprised you're allowed to fly that drone at eye level because if that slammed into someone it would do serious damage. Also, aren't you worried about wrecking your camera when you crash?
this dude is one crash away from having to selling a kidney
What if I want it?
Please give me bro
awsome dude
Mungkin dah patut masuk wad.. dalam rumah pun dah makin pelik…
can you adjust the focus while it is flying?
that coool drone…
R/C drone is a not good in the dirty dustsand
I’m usually bored with the same ‘ole same ‘ole aerial footage, but your clips are impressive!
Absolutely stunning footage with the Sony FX6 and Lumenier QAV-Pro Cinelifter, Potato Jet! The speed and quality are mesmerizing. How did you manage to stabilize the camera at 120km/h? Any special techniques or challenges you faced during this shoot? Would love to hear more about the behind-the-scenes process!
So dope I've been thinking bout stepping up to a x10 your my hero
Tell price for India
Tell price for India
cool video but the whole vid was very dark
The future of cinematography.
The footage after min 14:00 surprised me, and the music only add even more to it. Very nice.
Chinese DJI is the Best!
Awesome! I love the FX6 for it's 120fps. I'm surprised you're allowed to fly that drone at eye level because if that slammed into someone it would do serious damage. Also, aren't you worried about wrecking your camera when you crash?
…for a 30/60fps youtube video.
He reminded me of Zero from gta san andreas