Introducing Tancred, the Master of Castigations, and his brother Reinhold the Immured, a pair of brothers with a rather unique …
Introducing Tancred, the Master of Castigations, and his brother Reinhold the Immured, a pair of brothers with a rather unique …
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The animations look and sound weird as well as the colors of the spells. The pyromancy color spells look so washed out and bright compared to magic in other games
All of the dark none of the soul
First Phase inspired by Dragonslayer Armor.
Second phase inspired by The Demon Prince.
You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.
Kinda tired of soulslike games
This is a day one for me
Overall amazing sounds direction – minus the weapon hits, impact and swing sounds! The sickening sounds of the red guts like growth, in the boss's second phase, was disgusting and… gut wrenching. Pun partially intended.
Enemies need to be more responsive to getting hit though.
Great graphics – seems like a fantastic engine implementation. Game seems very optimized and current gen looking! Hyped for PS5 version.
Art Direction and Design is amazing.
Beautiful lighting, detail, atmosphere and ambience!
Those animations makes me appreciate even more the amazing work that FromSoft does
1:55 where tf are they getting these sound effects from
They really need to fix the sound effects they are non existent to delayed sound effects hope they fix till release
Art direction is amazing, and looks like the gameplay is on point. Awesome job devs!
This game looks much more forgiving than Elden Ring. I’m very much looking forward to playing it.
why does the healing flask animation looks so silly to me
Imagine playing as a woman in apparent (inspired) Conservative Christian Medieval times.
Could just be me, but the dodge and parry windows look very responsive and forgiving. I'm into that.
The animation is a little weird and some attacks have like no weight behind them while others are way too weighty against that big armored knight. Other than that it looks great, souls clones are getting closer to From's quality.
Overpriced Mortal Shell? Lets hope its better or at least the same.
These games lack of FromSoft’s online components drag them down a lot too
We got it, girl. We got it.
Enemies design are top notch
Graphics and art design are a 10 but weapons impact, weapons sound impact is off. Also the game seems to be to fast
, they need to slow down the combat a little.
Elden Ring but with better graphics.
Weapon impact and some of the sound design seem too neglected. But Im really happy that the movement is faster in this. The first game was unplayable for me, for that reason. It was like being on morphin and at the same time hitting the slow motion button
Doesn't look weighty enough. That is so disappointing
not gonna lie… kinda gave me Lothric Prince vibes for a second. Mainly the opening cut scene. Can’t friggin wait to play this game.
Seems a bit too easy
Don't know why this boss gives vibes of dragon Slayer armour from ds3
I’ve heard the impact sounds in bo4,bo3 and fortnite…. All the impact sounds are coming from a tomato
This one, I'm gonna play with the hardest difficulty
Hmmmm the second phase is much better in terms of effects and boss movements. And your character doesn't seem to have much moves in store, it looks repetitive and overly simple.
Those ranged attacks have zero impact… like even watching it being thrown lacks anything…. dissapointing
The sound mix and sound design don't quite do it for me and something feels a bit off with the camera but this game might actually be the reason I'm being a ps5
parece que el sonido de la armadura en la cinematica falla un poco y si pudieran hacer los golpes un poco mas realistas ( como si golpearas con una espada una bola de carne y huesos) estariamos ante una joya Dios miren el arte

This looks incredible! Honestly the first Souls-like that looks near quality of an actual Souls game. Reminding me so much of Demons Souls on PS5. Granted these are just 2 boss fights, so lots to be seen still, but very promising.
Phase 1: Dark Souls
Phase 2: Bloodborne
Phase 3: Sekiro?
sorry they can’t be serious with the Soundeffects???
Definitely buying this.
This game looks like actual crap lmaoooo
The blood leak sounds goofy as hell
Sound needs fixed bad
I'm going two handed sword like in the trailer
have you noticed the bloodborne symbol in his head?
looks like the final boss of evil west
Sort the weapon sounds out. And you have a potential banger.
if they can polish out the jank of movement and healing this will be very promising
reminds me of demon souls remake.
Combat speed reminds me of demon souls it looks sluggish
There's just ONE sound that needs to change, the critical hit blood sfx. The rest of them is ok.