On today’s Daily Fix: Nintendo has outlined upcoming Nintendo Switch exclusives and still lists the long-absent Metroid Prime 4 …
On today’s Daily Fix: Nintendo has outlined upcoming Nintendo Switch exclusives and still lists the long-absent Metroid Prime 4 …
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Metroid isn't a system seller there's no reason to think it will be a launch title for the next Nintendo console
having one of the most sold consoles of all time and not releasing metroid prime 4 on it would be insane
sick shirt!
Metroid Prime 4 will be the launch title for the next "console".
What do you mean final game on switch??
Can’t wait for this game but Nintendo needs more powerful hardware.
Plz just leave prime 4 for switch 2. I don’t want it to be held back by a sub par console
You always have the best shirts!
Doubt it, but last big Nintendo game I'm sure. Unless they move it to the next console.
Best Episode Yet !!!
If they want an open map game for MP4 they need to do it like like doom minus the levels
Twilight Princess and Breath of The Wild has entered the chat
Can't wait to get a switch U
Preorder switch2 when you can
Great News! Great Stuff!
Maybe not. It will be only aviable to the new nintendo console
Any new hardwear will be backwards compatible with switch games.
It will be a dual console release.
Hopefully they bring back ''anime Samus'' for Prime 4, not the bland one from the recent remaster.
Where is Metriod Prime 2 and 3???
Imagine after all this wait, it comes out and they release seasonal battlepass
That means we’re gonna hopefully get a new Nintendo console soon .
What a shame. Hopefully they could use it for a next gen switch, that way they can try the more open map idea they originally had for Prime 3
Totally deserved for Re2! My favourite of the series due to being horror and no action based game.
This is Nintendo's Duke Nukem Forever at this point.
Definitely cross gen
If switch 2 comes in 2024. It won’t even be worth attempting to get one for a long time because the scalpers will stop most of us from getting one
This is an incredibly captivating content!