Samsung Updates the Flip, Fold, and More

In this clip, Marques, Andrew, and Marques quickly discuss all of the new products that Samsung announced at Unpacked!


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About the Author: Waveform Clips


  1. If anyone reads this still considering the fold or flip. A better deal than the pre order 50 credit or the other member discount. Is sign up for the sofi money members account through Samsung pay. go to account settings and then the members discount. it gives like a 120 off on top of the 1000 trade in credit after taxes it was a little over 900 for m.

  2. All they do is complain and when a company is trying to innovate just because their company can't innovate and make new form factor phones, don't be jealous enjoy and give credit to the companies thats making a difference

  3. Not only does the flip4 trade in for $900, if you bought a flip3 you probably traded that in for the 4 and only paid $100 out of pocket for your flip4. Which you definitely should have done, none of those screens were really going to last many years in the first place. I think Samsung needs to add thermal cycling into their durability testing for the folding screens.

  4. Marques we need a Samsung Ecosystem video. You'd be surprise how far they've come in a the few years. Quickshare, App Continuity, Shared Clipboard, Multi Control, Second Screen, Drag and Drop, Dex everywhere, Smart Things, Windows Link! Definitely should make a video.

  5. The only company who could rival apple with phones was windows phones but now they are discontinued , android has never been good enough, android users seem to forget that it’s apple who reinvented a smartphone and what it is today , apple made the first leap and they have crushed the competition every year

  6. I would love to see a review from Marques of The Samsung watches. I use a Galaxy Watch 4 and I would really like to know the perspective of a Apple Watch user to show how they compare and what I'm loosing in terms of features and performance (If i'm loosing something). Please do a review of the watches or make a video using the Samsung ecosystem, Marques 🙏🏽

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