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Check out Apex Gaming PC’s here: https://apexpartner.app/redirect/Luke-Stephens Promo Code: LukeStephens Live Channel: …
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Check out Apex Gaming PC's here: https://apexpartner.app/redirect/Luke-Stephens
Promo Code: LukeStephens
If it didn't have dinosaurs, it would be pretty cool. With dinosaurs just looks ridiculous
I have no interest in it.
Capcom, wtf were you thinking? Instead of giving us proper Dino Crisis remake, you're feeding us already failed MOBA that won't last until year's end? Wtf, Capcom?
Is that the new armored core 6
At the very least I respect Capcom for at least attempting to branch out of there comfort ips and give some more unique game ideas a shot, and it seems like they been doing a good job of promoting as I’ve seen it a couple of times from other creators.
Something I noticed thou was when I say it on the PS store for 60 dollars I almost instinctively recoiled thinking why isn’t it free to play and I’ve seen that sentiment online from comments too saying that and things likes “if it was F2P..” when literally free 2 play games are one of the primary sources of all these microtransaction in games which we all say we hate but when a game seemingly offers the alternative we say we want back the “pay up front” game, we instantly complain about how that’s to expensive or you would play if it was free…this type of thing is exactly why game devs can get away with this stuff! Because we don’t seem to want the alternative (and I’m as much to blame as i had this same reaction like a large group of people but hopefully it can change with knowing that and actively work on it )
I never saw the draw to shooting dinosaurs… this seemed like a hard pass from me, on the premise alone.
Now that Ive seen it, I am positive… positive this is dumb AF
Can’t get past the terms and conditions
Wow too samey. Definitely will become stale.
this game is so boring, even the review are boring, not because of the reviewer, but the game itself have nothing interesting
Anthem was better honestly
So it's like Warframe but it's not free, has only one mission type and paid battlepass
The game is good! It looks like you only played one hour and with basic robot soldier…
went to the comments to address how the game actually has a lot more content than this guy gives it credit for, but glad to see a lot of people are already correcting that this game DOES have a bunch of content. You just gotta play through some hours to start unlocking all of it. It feels like those first few hours is the game getting you used to the scenario, then opens you up to the rest of the game once you've adapted to how things go. End game unlocks a mode called "Savage Gauntlet" which seems to be a time limited mode that changes and is more difficult, allegedly. Not ready yet unfortunately.
There’s so many more dinosaurs and neosaurs (mutant dinosaurs) as well as boss fights and special encounters that combine both teams to take on a thousand dinosaurs containing multiple different varieties that do different things including debuffing you, blowing themselves up, sniping you from afar and teleporting away, setting you on fire, turning off your abilities until you stun them by meeting a damage check to a glowing part on its body,tiny rat like ones that grab onto you and slow you down, going invisible and grabbing you to cause damage over time, and a mutant ankylosaurus that has a rock wall floating around it with something akin to a volcano on its back while you have to kill 2 triceratops and a T-Rex all at the same time. But yeah no, if you watch gameplay of the BETA you’ve definitely seen everything, clearly. ( I’m sorry but that comment really personally annoyed me)
I just don't see the point on the full pricing. It would be great as a live service f2p game with how many IAPs in there.
I'll see if I can try to grab a gamepass and play myself, because this game looks cool and reminded me of the og PSO2.
In the heart of the digital battlefield, a new challenger emerged. Exoprimal, a game of steel and scales, where man and machine faced off against the primal forces of nature. The warriors, clad in their exofighter suits, stood ready for the onslaught. Each suit was a marvel of engineering, equipped for assault, tanking, or support, depending on the warrior's style. The battlefield was ever-changing, but the suits adapted with ease, allowing the warriors to swap their armor mid-battle without missing a beat.
The enemy was relentless. Dinosaurs, creatures from a time long past, swarmed the battlefield. They came in waves, their roars echoing through the chaos. But the exofighters stood their ground, their weapons cutting through the horde with deadly precision.
The battle was not just against the dinosaurs, but also against time. Another team, clad in red, was racing to complete the same objectives. The competition was fierce, the tension palpable. Every second mattered, every move could tip the scales in favor of one team or the other.
The exofighters fought valiantly, their suits allowing them to adapt to the ever-changing battlefield. When the smaller dinosaurs swarmed, they switched to suits equipped with swords, their blades slicing through the horde with ease. When the larger dinosaurs emerged, they swapped to more robust suits, their heavy weapons dealing devastating damage.
The battle raged on, a dance of steel and scales, of man and machine against the primal forces of nature. The exofighters fought with all their might, their determination unwavering, their spirits unbroken.
As the dust settled, the exofighters emerged victorious. They had faced the primal forces of nature and emerged victorious. They had proven that man and machine, working together, could overcome any challenge.
This was Exoprimal, a game of steel and scales, of man and machine against the primal forces of nature. It was a testament to human ingenuity and the power of teamwork. It was a battle for the ages, a story that would be told and retold for generations to come. And as the exofighters stood victorious on the battlefield, they knew they had written a new chapter in the annals of gaming history.
what's underwhelming about being in a MECH SUIT fighting DINOSAURS exactly?
Got it as soon as it came out on game pass…fun to play but too repetative…i have a feeling this game will not last long unless some big updates coming
Game is great…sounds like a skill issue
Crash Team Rumble better
It's hard to say because the game only just came out but content-wise Anthem has more going for it, I only use Anthem as an example because that's what everybody keeps comparing it to, I personally don't think it really looks that fun, I mean yeah it's a cool idea definitely different, probably fun for an afternoon. Now again I understand the game only just came out so things will probably change as time goes on but still, it really just looks like an okay game at best, and from what I've played it's an okay game at best.
I think the game is going to be great given the chance if they don’t come with more content, then the game will flop like destiny is a big flop
The 8-10 hour gate before the real content unlocks is mind boggling.
I’ve had a lot of fun with this game. I can see myself playing this game for a while. It looks great plays well and have enough content to keep me locked in.
Guys, give this game a chance! Especially if you have game pass. Its just so much fun. They made a very bad decision to lock the best features of the game behind the first 15-20 matches. If you pass this early stage it gets so so much better. This game bring memories of that xbox 360 era when we didnt care about meta builds, and optmizing the fun out of a game. Its just stupid and fun. The story is surprisingly good and well acted. Capcom is still on a roll!
So im actually really hooked on this. Could not stop playing and now im at work thinking about it lol. Based on some of your critiques, I do think you need to play more of the game. The way the game is stuctured is pretty strange and you need to progress to start getting some pretty cool events.
The story behind it all is actually impressive how they tied it all together while havin it b a pvp game
Leviathin was built by top scientist n while they were testing it, leviathan gained sentience n went rogue gaining control of the Time Machine they were constructing. Leviathan then began to bring dinosaurs to the labs n taking control of the array
(more to b discovered) now it’s ur job as the player to figure out why how n when to stop leviathan
I came for a good review lmao and this guy just talked crap….. I tried it my self and i love it!
i think people should try exoprimal themselves instead of watching someone who made a vid after 2 or 3 matches…
Also as a Stoner, the long intro to the rounds are great for grinding up bud, loading up and ripping a bowl before your round lmao.
I've been told the game opens up more but even then I'm really enjoying the gameplay
Only if Anthem came out this polished.
As you level up the Dinos definitely get harder. Then throw on a Triceratops controlled by the other team and it’s got a good feel to it
I would like a campaign with point A to point B levels and the enemy can play as dinosaurs trying to stop your progress. (Yes a L4D clone but cmon, the formula works)
Anyone who hasn't noticed that literally every single day 1 gamepass drop so far has been mediocre, is willfully ignorant. Let's hope Starfield isn't more of the same. If Microsoft game the game developers enough time and budget to make great games, we would have them. But we dont
I wish you got materials from dinosaurs and were able to level up armours and weapons with specific materials you get. It would give you more of a reason to grind and would give it more replayability because after about 20-30 games it gets a bit repetitive
You should do a review after playing more of the game it gets way more fun after a a handful of missions
I’m enjoying exoprimal, I’ve only played a few rounds so far but it’s fun. Especially the PvP portion. A whole match could change in an instant
To me, I have been trying to find a mindless grinding game that has a fun loop and allows me to turn my brain off and vibe. However the price-point is what's deterring me right now
It's nice dumb fun. I wouldn't spend money on it, so I'm glad it's on Game Pass. It would be better with aliens or something else besides dinos.
I am fully enjoying this game. It's if Overwatch and EDF had a baby
..was this supposed to be a review? Or like a half review or something? Because quite a few mechanics weren’t talked about that add to longevity of the game and how you play. He didn’t even talk about the dominator until the end when it happens in his game. Idk this just felt half assed to me but maybe I don’t get the point of the video? Definitely doesn’t seem like his kinda game though given this video
Looks like a 20-30$ game
Tried it on gamepass it's fun game but it's not something i would pay for 60$ considering there seems locked exosuit, bp, skin etc
Wow… a PC game not broken on launch.
Some how im looking at this and just keep thinking i could play Warframe instead
This game is a banger. I decided since I didn't have shit to do today to play all day. Player rank 33 and got like 64% of the story done. Anyone that's only played one or two rounds and thought that was it. You should stick with it. It gets so good. The maps, modes, ability mods you unlock. Once it clicks, it clicks. It's one of the best games I've played in a long time.
And it's free in Gane Pass. Don't pay $60 on Steam. That's crazy. This game should have been F2P when it has a season pass and a bunch of paid DLC.
None of that effects the game. Season pass is all cosmetics and there are three locked heroes you can unlock for like $12 but I unlocked 2/3 today just playing for free. Doesn't take that long. Maybe like 3-4 days of playing if you're not a psycho that plays form Saturday morning until night like I just did.
On game pass so I am going to play it co-op, looks decently fun for a few days at least. Not all games need to last hundreds of hours.
There is a lot more content in this game, but its all locked behind story progression. You need to progress the story before the game starts throwing the Neosaurs, and T-Rex's and other higher level threats at you. Some of the objectives actually get really hard later on. It's a weird career mode.