AEW Fight Forever Review – The Final Verdict

AEW Fight Forever Review - The Final Verdict

AEW: Fight Forever—the first video game release by young wrestling company All Elite Wrestling—looks to bring the pro-wrestling …


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About the Author: GamingBolt


  1. The graphics are what I'm charmed by, actually. Got a throwback feel to it. Create-a-wrestler online, brief entrances…For AEW's first stab at this, I'm not expecting the sun and the moon. As long as its functional and fun, I'll be good.

  2. It's so sad how people worry about graphics nowadays. Imo the more realistic a game is, the less fun I have. The graphics for this game is fine. After all, the game play is where it's at.

  3. I'm all in on this (pun intended). It's a throwback to the best era of wrestling games. I hate the 2K games and haven't enjoyed a wrestling game since the gamecube era. Shit just started getting slower, more realistic, less options, less variation and settings, less everything and the buttons are ridiculously confusing. Defo gonna get myself a copy

  4. The fact that this game and wwe2k23 are both rated an 8 by this site is a joke. The sheer depth of 2k23 is astounding and the hit detection is miles better. You can literally create or download this entire game's much smaller roster in 2k23, and it will look better and have a deeper moveset.

    If you are giving it a pass for the arcade style, then you need a different ratings system for different genres because to a casual watcher of this channel it appears that you are putting the two on par. That is insanity.

  5. This game is really awful say what you want about the reviews but this is coming from someone who is so damn excited pre-ordered this game $70 and I can say it's not worth it it is insane actually and $40 would be acceptable for the quality man I mean do this story is the worst they went with the most random events no choices and so quick that you can just get through it 100 times which is still insane and honestly should have been flushed out with length different story branches and replayability for a few times but instead they went with garbage this game is really disappointing I really hope for an amazing sequel down the line and this game to get somewhat repaired but damn I want a refund and I can't because I played it apparently which is a whole other thing fat L for aew you can't ride this game cuz once you buy it you feel the pain

  6. He doesn't mention how fucked up playing this is I got it and regret it lol hopefully they update andall the lag and rubber banding stops I hate paid reviews there so misleading

  7. €80 for this game WOW NOT WORTH IT, it has 7 match types all 1 on 1 expect tag and casino royal,so no fun 8 person matches,it has 46 wrestlers!,.The creation mode has really nothing worth talking about lack of hair clothing ect…. no images either. For 2023 this is  x

  8. Thanks for this great review, and specifically for not comparing it too much to the "holy grail" of wrestling games: WWE 2K. I agree 2K games LOOK great and are feature-rich, I absolutely loathe the gameplay. The campaign/GM modes do nothing for me. I just want a game that's chill and fun to play like how console wrestling games were in the late 90s to early 00s. The visual bugs and strange QOL choices in this game are a bit concerning but I'm pretty sure I'll buy it and enjoy it.

  9. This game is like the Shemue 3 equivalent of WWE 2k23. This is what happens when you put random things into 1 genre. Its just splatter garbage.

  10. FINALLY! THIS IS THE FIRST 4K VIDEO OF THIS GAME. THE VERY FIRST!! I hope this is a true 4K recording and not a 1080p upscale. I really need to see the PC version on max 4K settings.

  11. This looks like a $20 kinda game especially since 2k WWE games are actually good now so I'll stick with that and wait for a price drop.

  12. ouch not a good look. I rememeber when this game was in delayed haven and the cult members was like ' meh just means the game will be better' 😭 game has no business being over $40 for what it offers

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