Starfield game director Todd Howard joins us for an exclusive interview to discuss realizing his vision for Bethesda’s imminent …
Starfield game director Todd Howard joins us for an exclusive interview to discuss realizing his vision for Bethesda’s imminent …
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Why has Todd not got his jacket on? Poor form that lad

"Space is big" – Todd Howard 2023
Todd dodged that Fallout NV2 question.
Great job to Ryan interviewing this, excited for Starfield and Todd Howard is a real legend.
Xbox in two years went from "the most powerful console ever" to "30fps isn’t that big of a deal and won’t take away from the experience at all"
Tell me lies Todd. Tell me sweet little lies.
Survival mode mechanics?
I'm hella excited for Starfield, but The Elder Scrolls 6 is something I've been waiting for ever since Skyrim blew my mind a decade ago.
Man this guy does not know how to finish asking a question.
Did he just say that it sometimes hits 60 fps on PC?
Rdr 2 ? Thats a too high of a bar todd
The unicorn in Oblivion was an unhinged psychopath.
4k but locked at 30fps on Series X? REALLY wish they had an option to drop that down to 1080p @60fps
24:27 todd…
The downplaying of the disaster that was Redfall is slightly worrying
Love how you guys avoided any questions that might give Starfield a bad look, you guys are a pathetic excuse for journalism
can't wait for the rise of Arasaka, we need to put Todd on a chip so he can keep making games!
Half life 3 confirmed!
Hopefully AI can speed up the process of making their games a little
No man's sky and mass effect? Lol…
More like Star Citizen and Fallout 4.
So the best game of the year and the worst game of the year both run at 30 fps? Fingers crossed.
Excited for this to come out, but 30 fps cap on next gen console is pretty disappointing. At least give us a performance 1080 60 option.
Who the hell belive todd? XDD
Half-Life 3 Confirmed
Firefly as a game please xx
If Howard thinks that a game at 4k 30fps look better then 1440p 60fps then he should step down from Bethesda boss position! Jesus give me this game at 1440p 60fps !do not sell lies not enymore
30fps is not ok on XSX
Any joystick support?