3500$ for a Quest in fancy housing.. wow. Wouldn't buy for 350$
I see its use only during long flights…beside that its useless. Nobody wants top wear skiing goggles at home…
Make an app that has facial recognition and automatically pull up social media accounts from the people you are looking at while walking or in a public area and also have facial expression monitors to tell you when someone is lying
Do these apple guys ever get anything wrong?? What a product??!!!
This honestly looks incredible. Finally AR done right. Amazing
Instead of kids looking down at their phones they’ll be waving around their arms while wearing a GIANT SCUBA MASK—with a battery dangling off the side! Welcome to the DYSTOPIA!
WTH? What kind of garbage is this?
That got me some serious Back To The Future vibes
does it come with the wetsuit or it is sold separetely?
Don’t get me wrong this looks really cool……….. but$3,500 dollars
This is the end of TV's.
I see a big fail here. One is the price, it also has a wired separate battery.
It’s gonna be weird having to wear that watching pornhub
Over the past 10 years We were introduced to 3d tv, VR glasses, Google lens & curved tv…Where are they now? Gimmicks don't last…
Why does this guy sound like the Mkay guy from south park?
Why does this guy sound like Mr.Garrsion from South Park?
What for?
Automatically thought about pop up ads and viruses with this, imagine sitting there watching YouTube and a mf comes, and drop kicks your webpage out the window
Embarrassing tech lmao inferior to other headsets that already exist for cheaper
He sounds like Mr garrison from south park
Imagine FaceTiming
God he sound’s annoying
Can’t wait to get one of these in 10 years when they stop supporting this version and it’s on offerup for $100’s..
This has to be the dorkiest thing I''ve ever seen. If I see someone wearing these in public, I'm gonna mug them for their wallet and keys.
Another huge hits for sure.
The thing is – 2 4k oled tvs cost $1500 each and on top of that it has an m2 which is like having a macbook air/mac mini inside… so the pricing isnt even that absurd.
It's fascinating
They need to implement the feature when multiple headsets connect to a " main " one and all of them see the same thing shared by THAT main one. I imagine could be used in multiple things like medically or military, schools etc.
The price reflects this first iteration is really for developers. It will come down, and you can survive with a single kidney.
Just a reminder that cyberpunk is not supposed to be a good thing
Imagine what app developers will do with this
Overpriced Gimmick. This is Apple's Metaverse happening in real time.
dont think I didnt get that Ready Player One Reference
Looks insanely stupid. Did people forget Google glass already flopped?
Why does it sound like a southpark pisstake?
Nek minute brain damage and Seizures it provides for you & how much does it cost
I see apple being the company that finally makes VR accepted by the public.
ok i felt i needed to make this for the sake of all the inexperianced non vr people out there seeing this tech, the meta quest 3 does everything here for thousands cheaper, apple had the opportunity to create a amazing first step and change the market with the geatest vr/ar ever using apple silicon and instead they made a glorified quest go(which has been discontinuted for years)
do not buy this, its a waste of money, buy a quest 3 or pro
At least once the US becomes a 3rd world hellscape, we'll all be able to live in the matrix
Looks like a $ 3500 adult content viewer in total privacy
So…. it's a 3D web browser? Where's the games?
New chapter
Apple is one of the stupidest companies in existence
3500$ for a Quest in fancy housing.. wow. Wouldn't buy for 350$

I see its use only during long flights…beside that its useless. Nobody wants top wear skiing goggles at home…
Make an app that has facial recognition and automatically pull up social media accounts from the people you are looking at while walking or in a public area and also have facial expression monitors to tell you when someone is lying
Do these apple guys ever get anything wrong?? What a product??!!!
This honestly looks incredible. Finally AR done right. Amazing
Instead of kids looking down at their phones they’ll be waving around their arms while wearing a GIANT SCUBA MASK—with a battery dangling off the side! Welcome to the DYSTOPIA!
WTH? What kind of garbage is this?
That got me some serious Back To The Future vibes
does it come with the wetsuit or it is sold separetely?
Don’t get me wrong this looks really cool……….. but$3,500 dollars
This is the end of TV's.
I see a big fail here. One is the price, it also has a wired separate battery.
It’s gonna be weird having to wear that watching pornhub
Over the past 10 years We were introduced to 3d tv, VR glasses, Google lens & curved tv…Where are they now? Gimmicks don't last…
Why does this guy sound like the Mkay guy from south park?
Why does this guy sound like Mr.Garrsion from South Park?

What for?
Automatically thought about pop up ads and viruses with this, imagine sitting there watching YouTube and a mf comes, and drop kicks your webpage out the window
Embarrassing tech lmao inferior to other headsets that already exist for cheaper
He sounds like Mr garrison from south park
Imagine FaceTiming

God he sound’s annoying
Can’t wait to get one of these in 10 years when they stop supporting this version and it’s on offerup for $100’s..
This has to be the dorkiest thing I''ve ever seen. If I see someone wearing these in public, I'm gonna mug them for their wallet and keys.
Another huge hits for sure.
The thing is – 2 4k oled tvs cost $1500 each and on top of that it has an m2 which is like having a macbook air/mac mini inside… so the pricing isnt even that absurd.
It's fascinating
They need to implement the feature when multiple headsets connect to a " main " one and all of them see the same thing shared by THAT main one. I imagine could be used in multiple things like medically or military, schools etc.
The price reflects this first iteration is really for developers. It will come down, and you can survive with a single kidney.
Just a reminder that cyberpunk is not supposed to be a good thing
Imagine what app developers will do with this
Overpriced Gimmick. This is Apple's Metaverse happening in real time.
dont think I didnt get that Ready Player One Reference
Looks insanely stupid. Did people forget Google glass already flopped?
Why does it sound like a southpark pisstake?
Nek minute brain damage and Seizures it provides for you & how much does it cost
I see apple being the company that finally makes VR accepted by the public.
ok i felt i needed to make this for the sake of all the inexperianced non vr people out there seeing this tech, the meta quest 3 does everything here for thousands cheaper, apple had the opportunity to create a amazing first step and change the market with the geatest vr/ar ever using apple silicon and instead they made a glorified quest go(which has been discontinuted for years)
do not buy this, its a waste of money, buy a quest 3 or pro
At least once the US becomes a 3rd world hellscape, we'll all be able to live in the matrix
Looks like a $ 3500 adult content viewer in total privacy
So…. it's a 3D web browser? Where's the games?
New chapter
Apple is one of the stupidest companies in existence
Nah I’m good
is it tuck friendly tho