Diablo 4 – Official Story Launch Trailer

Diablo 4 - Official Story Launch Trailer

Check out the latest Diablo 4 trailer to learn more about the story ahead of the game’s release on June 6, 2023. #IGN #Diablo4.


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About the Author: IGN


  1. It's Blizzard Activision.
    Who's to say they will deliver on any single promise they make? They have lied before.

    Who's to say they won't inject massive amounts of grind just to force an anti-consumer microtransaction market on you? They've done it before.
    Who's to say they won't just remove access to this game in a few years when they decide to make the next, even more greedy and grindy and cash-hungry sequel?
    They've done it before.

    Who's to say they won;t do all of the above, and then just offer a lame apology where they blame you, the consumer, for their own failures? They've done it before.

    Stop giving Blizzard/Activision any of your time or money.

    Here's a prediction. IGN makes a video about how scummy some of the new systems in Diablo 4 are – after it's release – and after they've been hyping the game – uncriticially – for years.

    IGN is just a corporate mouthpeice. And we can't just corporations, so why should we trust IGN?

  2. Music choice was terrible, but great trailer. Sounds like your hyping up a Battle royal Apex game or something.

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