In this week’s episode of Podcast Beyond, we check out a fun new game from Rez Infinite developer, Enhance! Humanity is the …
In this week’s episode of Podcast Beyond, we check out a fun new game from Rez Infinite developer, Enhance! Humanity is the …
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Unfortunately Sony will never be able to create anything like BOTW or TOTK. They lack the creativity and brilliance of Nintendo.
Best podcast ever
Almost got the Plat for Tchia, great Indie game
Would the new Zelda's go in a list of Assassin's Creed like games?
You guys did not look interested in doing this podcast
This is an insult to the legacy of the Beyond podcast- all the fine work of jonathan and greg is being shat on by a bunch of nintendorks. If u let a PS fan take over ur nintendo podacst there’d be a mess of wet nappies to clear up. As if ur industry isn’t already biased to the baby company – now u poison the well for PS fans?
This is shocking, they are just taking the opportunity to crap on any game that isn’t a zelda game, get off the totk hype train
ps games are killing Nintendo IP
Eh. Just buy a switch and actually play Zelda
Wait so play these Zelda like games that we have not really played. Ahhhhh ok.
Bring back Jonathan this podcast as gone to hell in a hand basket
17:00 – Even down to the paragliders and mountain-climbing, those clones are so unflattering.
Damn you guys are really Zelda fans.
LOL!! Ps community is so desperate
Why is nobody comparing humanity to the clank puzzle levels in rift apart it’s literally that but an entire game
You guys forgot Okami. Shame on you all
Just buy a second hand switch and be done with it.
same as how the Futurama ship moves…. it doesnt… it just moves the universe around it haha (in response to Josh's observations on Sonic Frontiers)
Elden Ring.