Hello, and welcome to Nintendo Voice Chat Presents: Talk of the Kingdom! For the next 6 weeks, IGN’s flagship Nintendo show, …
Hello, and welcome to Nintendo Voice Chat Presents: Talk of the Kingdom! For the next 6 weeks, IGN’s flagship Nintendo show, …
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nintendo games may be the most overrated games in the history of he industry….
Beautiful Game. Was watching this while making my way to the first main objective. More than entertaining. thank you for all the hard work and dedication for this video. you guys should do this for the game weekly until you all've finished it. Reminds me of a time when kids would talk to each other about a new game at school/on the bus.
Breathtaking game! Performance is fine, people like to exaggerate and be salty. Millions of people are fine with 30fps, you adjust too it. It's clear that you can still have an amazing game despite hardware limiatations. Looking forward to revisiting this for 2ndplay through on switch2 or pc later though. Enjoy the adventure folks!
Hidemaro Fujibayashi (50) is really coming into his own. He was my age now when he directed Skyward Sword in 2011.
At 44, this man completely changed what a Zelda game and an RPG could be. A true work of art was BOTW.
Now, at 50 he seems to have delivered another gaming classic, plus he appears to have really found his stride by continually expanding what a new Zelda title and popular entertainment can be.
Bravo Maestro!
How cool was it to see jose in the treehouse stream
Dang there are too many crybabies in the comments. The hate is strong with you.
Athough i'm having an amazing time with the game lets be honest The switch is holding this game back.
Seeing this already emulated on PC in 8k 60 fps makes me cry that we are stuck in 720p 30 fps
Thankfully that seems to be the only “complaint” if we can even call it that
The fact that all of you guys smiling says A LOT about a game!
Nice expansion
The last game was probably the most overrated game of all time so I'll take this score with a grain (read 2 gallons) of salt.
You gotta hand it to Nintendo. Despite having ancient hardware, they still focus on gameplay and just making games fun. The other first party devs are coming up with these buggy, shitty messes for AAA titles, but oh they have great graphics so please give us high scores! Then they're shocked Pikachu face when critics and gamers savage them for it.
No game is a perfect 10 unless you’re being biased
Wait it drops below unplayable Framerates?
IGN: Who cares it’s THE BEST GAME EVER
Pls Nintendo give us More horsepower….. ); such a masterpiece … the Performance is a Shame…

Thank you for watching be sure to check out all of our guides and the interactive map on IGN to help keep track of all the shrines, Korok seeds, and more while exploring Tears of the Kingdom! https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-legend-of-zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom