What Happened To This Smartphone Brand?

Check Out More Details About The New Blackberry Movie Here: https://www.blackberrymovie.com/ Only In Theatres May 12th!


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. I remember at one point it was iPhone v blackberry. I had a blackberry back in the day. I really enjoyed the blackberry phones tbh and didn’t think theyd ever fall off like they have done but then again the “big touchscreen” phones were always gonna win in the end.

  2. Ok so because of this movie there will be a rising demand for Blackberries, and they will finally come with a Priv 2!

    Right guys..?

  3. Ok so because of this movie there will be a rising demand for Blackberries, and they will finally come with a Priv 2!

    Right guys..?

  4. I remember at one point it was iPhone v blackberry. I had a blackberry back in the day. I really enjoyed the blackberry phones tbh and didn’t think theyd ever fall off like they have done but then again the “big touchscreen” phones were always gonna win in the end.

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