Virtual Reality X the Meat Industry: A Marriage Made in Meta-Hell

Virtual Reality X the Meat Industry: A Marriage Made in Meta-Hell

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About the Author: Earthling Ed


  1. In March this year, the USDA awarded a $5 million grant to these researchers and others to further develop the use of VR for the poultry industry. Sadly, instead of incentivising ways to shift away from slaughtering chickens, the US government is doing the opposite. Is this the future that we're going to see for animals? Where chickens are killed en-masse by robotic arms that are being operated by someone who is sat, completely detached, at home? There has never been a more crucial time than now to utilise technology to aid in the growth of the plant-based sector and to put an end to animal farming.

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    Watch our Surge Media production 'How the US Invented Chicken' here:

  2. Although the technology would be cool, we'd have to see science on how animals react and feel to it. Like it feels not very consensual to begin with, to spy on them. But aside from that, what harm would it do? would they get nervous or scared?

  3. The majority of people find it hard to believe that cutting the throat of an innocent animal for the sake of a meal is truly unnecessary, please wake up.

  4. I thought this was going to be a video about showing pedestrians slaughterhouse footage in VR… fuck that

  5. I cant really comprehend this. Like my brain physically cant really process this information. VR to slaughter animals from home so that workers in said industry arent as miserable anymore when killing innocents. What the fuck

  6. There's too many psychopathic people, or people that know how much animals suffer and still don't care, what can we do about people like that? Do those people care about other humans? Maybe if they understand the suffering of the humans that work in the slaughter houses they would care, but I am not sure they even care about that. Maybe if they care only about themselves, if they understand the suffering caused by the disease processes driven by eating animals, that would do it.

  7. why even have a VR worker? sounds like ai could do it at that point… I hope we never see the day animal enslavement and murder is fully automated by robots 🙁 sad to see human brain power being put to things like this when we could just focus on ending animal agriculture

  8. I believe this would actually make things worse for the workers, too. In jobs that involve a level of stress and trauma, research shows that the commute home is an important part of separating yourself from your work and is required to re-ground and de-stress. If being a chicken slaughterer is so bad that they have 100% turnover, nobody will want to bring that energy into their own home.

  9. This is exactly why drone attacks in war zones are so dangerous. Unlike what the media is trying to portray drone strikes aren’t as surgical as they claim and the pilots are completely disconnected from the fact that they’re killing innocent civilians a lot of the time. It’s probably this fact that led to the development of this slaughterhouse concept. Sickening!!!

  10. Thanks for your work, Ed. I follow you since you just started on youtube. Your work is so important. You are a voice for the animals, who can only speak with their screams that no-one hears. So sad what is happening in the animal industry….

  11. Isn't it just so boring when stupid things like people's consciences get in the way of capitalists making more money, no matter the consequences.

  12. Most US chicken slaughterhouses are staffed by immigrants. So this technology would be more like “imagine working in a US slaughterhouse from your home in Guatemala.”

  13. Worker: I hate my job. Having to physically slice up living animals all day makes me feel disgusted and wrong.
    Meat industry: ok, lets just make it a video game so you can believe that you doing terrible violence, all day everyday, to pretend living beings instead of real ones! Problem solved!!

  14. My dumb govt in Italy banned lab meat since they are supported by farmers. This proves farmers care no shit about animals but only money. Luckily the govt can't stop lab meat from being imported if any EU country allows it

  15. Don’t worry Ed, humanity is literally going to burn in hell. The climate hell we are creating for ourselves. The pandemic virus known as “humanity” will be end. Give it 100 years maybe 200,, temperatures will get to 10c above the average now and very few species will adapt to that quick enough. The amazing thing is, it’s a huge universe and we are an infinite soul, incarnating indefinitely. So this “life” isn’t all there is. Enjoy your life free of the cognitive stress of knowing you are apart of the problem, before it’s over collect up some “good” karma. go vegan, get off grid, grow your own food and buy as little material things as possible. Live in the absolute present with the ones you love. And live for others before living for the self. Most importantly live in accord with the Tao. Things that don’t, grow for a bit but quickly wither.

  16. So happy to live in Alaska! Seeing moose, bear and other wildlife with my own eyes. I just don't understand you civilized types…the sounds a bear makes as it shuffles past you, no cage, just you and the bear. No VR can mimic that reality.

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