Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One) is a bigger, badder sequel in every way. Let’s talk about it.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One) is a bigger, badder sequel in every way. Let’s talk about it.
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I will continue to be super opinionated about these. As with many of the current releases, I still see nothing so outlandish in the game to make me believe that the game couldn't be easily optimized for release on ps4/xbone. Unless next gen games start to incorporate some level of AI quest or terrain generation, there really isn't anything "next" about them other than graphics. Even then, the difference between 1080, 1440, and 2160 isn't greater than steady framerate. That, and gameplay/story far outweigh the look of a game.
To that end, has the gameranx crew noticed the magnetic leg syndrome that these modern game engines have (could all be Unreal, idk). The character skeletons are magnetized to the xz plane and consistently have a strange jelly linkage around the abs, where the legs can make quick independent directional changes while the upper torso remains relatively static. It has been going on for the past couple of years and makes the character movements looks extremely inhuman. Once you see it, you will not unsee it.
I can't friggin' wait for this game!! I can't wait to explore Coruscant and customize Cal's outfit and lightsaber way more than in the first game. 2 more days!!!
Gonna dress him up in that clone wars era armor I’ve seen floating around
Will it have a full dark side full helmet?
Tomb Raider games lookin' different.
Are there ponchos from first game?
If there's more of what was awesome from the first game, and less of what was… questionable from the first game, I'll be quite satisfied.
Any take aways from the haptic triggers of the dualsense? Trying to decide if I want this on PS or Xbox. Developers said it adds something extra to the feel of force abilities
Be honest, did they fix that stupid dual wield animation?
If the timeline gap between Jedi Fallen Order and Survival is huge, i believe there will be a big dlc or a game for that gap timeline.
Somebody mentioned the minimaps were easier to navigate. Can't wait!
Fallen Order had far too much climbing and hanging on stuff and Tomb Raider environmental puzzles for my taste. The map was HORRIBLE too. If this is more of the same, I'll pass. I like the Force Unleashed games…more action, less puzzle and Uncharted gameplay.
Thank god they changed their “new game+” mode! Y’all answered the question I’ve been looking for
That's actually disappointing that there will be even more platforming. That's what I disliked in fallen order. It got so boring that I'd given up twice and ended up looking the story on Wikipedia in preparation for this game. With better stuff to find maybe it will be more interesting
I’m loving these outfits
Dilemma, PS5 or PC? I played Fallen Order on PC but I just just don't want to deal with Origin or whatever. I generally like to play these types of games on console, but having same series games on different platforms just hurts a little bit. lol
ok but is there a poncho?
Can’t wait for the before you buy for SSKTJL
Mullet Cal is best Cal.
This franchise has the potential to be the next Witcher 3. Respawn just needs to keep doing the work and listening to the community.
cool, gonna wait for a sale and mods to stack up
Am I the only one who thinks this game is unpolished? Just from looking at some of the clips. This reminds me of ps3 God of war. Which was a master piece for that time. How ever those same quirks won't cut it today. For example the stiffness of the characters & the dead physics of the environment. The weird hit box when in combat. I still.think this game needs more time in the oven
The combat animation looks far more stiff than the first game.
But are there giant spiders in the game?
Bro the dual wielding animation looks very robotic and unnatural for me
This year has felt like a buffet table filled with five star entrees to the extent it's overwhelming. 2023 has been ridiculous for gaming. Makes me kind of sad because it's probably going to be a long time before we are eating this good again.