Today I’m testing out four kitchen gadgets by Dreamfarm that were sent (unsolicited) to my PO Box. This is NOT a sponsored video …
Today I’m testing out four kitchen gadgets by Dreamfarm that were sent (unsolicited) to my PO Box. This is NOT a sponsored video …
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The juicer should be 4 together
Thank you! I am loosing some of my strength and ability with my hands and arms. This review was very helpful. I may buy the peeler, grater & wisk.
Limes don't have seeds,neither do Caribbean pineapples. Humans have been manually cultivating them for thousands of years so they no longer produce seeds. They don't need to; domesticated plants have a higher level of intelligence than wild ones because of the close contact with people for such a long period of time! Banana and pineapple seeds are small and not usually viable, they too are transitioning; dropping the need to produce seeds that expend unnecessary time and wasteful effort. They now are reliant upon us to propagate and further their species!
all of these seem useful bra get em up ya
The juicer cracked
man I want the sharple but I cant find it anywhere with free shipping
That yellow thing won't last 5 minutes and then you'll have some kitchen junk sitting in the drawer because you paid for it and feel bad throwing away and in the next 2 years it'll still be there clogging up the drawer
You should use the Sharple on a sweet potato.
Not impressed by the juicer. What I need is the manually operated one used by Orange Julius. I was mortified by seeing on cooking channels that fruit is supposed to go in the juicer cut side up and by pressure be turned inside out. Not in this lifetime is that going to happen. I take the half citrus, set it on its end and cut halfway down in quarters then put in juicer with skin down and squeeze the best I can. No doubt there are machines that do a better job.
Peeler looked good. Grater looked good. Juicer – not so much. I think it might be hard to press for some people. Folding whisk, eh, not for me. When there are moving parts, there is something that can break.
what??? lucifer?
Watching the juicer made my mouth water.
I have the „Chopula“ from dreamfarm. It’s the best damn spatula I’ve ever used.
They really seem to think their designs through.
I'm sitting here thinking, throw some tequila in that juice!
Try to use the Peeler on both Sides, go up und down while peeling carrots.
Preheat the orange in the microwave for 30-40 seconds and all the juice will easily squeeze out.
Can you try dreamfarms salad spinner collander thing?
I like to think of myself as a beard afficionado and i must say, love the beard.
I want pulp
Me and my brother often used to go to sleep watching dreamfarm clips and making fun of them. It was legitimately more entertaining than anything else on YouTube.
But now that I'm slightly older, i kinda like some of the things they have on offer lol.
My brother agrees too. Still love to make fun of them though.
You do a great job! i wish there was a "you" version for fishing lures lol
Is the peeler skin-safe? Or am I gonna have to hide it from the kids?
that jucer looks like an interesting idea except for the fact that it seems to push the insides of the fruit out where it can't be squeezed instead of actually jucing it
That’s not an orange for juicing, it’s for eating. If you want to juice your oranges look for ones with thin skin. These big ones with the thick skin only contain a fraction of the juice that a smaller thin skinned orange does
Could u also let us know how sanitary and easy to clean it is INSIDE the sharpening CAVITY for the self sharping peeler. I found that tight spaces like that tend to be IMPOSSIBLE to clean and mold / mildew can grow. Thank you.
You're me laugh several times and I know you were not even trying!
I atumbled across you and now i'm a fan!