It felt more like you were trying to give us whiplash and a headache with how much you were looking up and down
Tanta cosa para nada
why does he raise his head after every step?..
Ролик отстой
I had my head set on it would have been better if u stop moving up and down
يا الله
did you have to look up with every freaking step. I am new to vr and let me tell you it made me nauseous and kinda made me wanted to punch whoever was playing this in face very hard. It was annoying and nauseating.
Did this at my friends house on her vr, my other friend wanted to push me off the plank so I agreed. Once she pushed me I went face first into the desk and I got a bloody nose and a swollen lip. This was a while ago and I still have a scar.
what’s the game name
Why did you look up and down
Ebahti bokluka
Yo the vr was awesome tho I didn't even start walking I was using my vr headset
Видео говно идет и на верх смотрио очень догло видео говно полное
Why do you take so long like fr
Oi Eu não tenho Un rv
Anyone do this while standing up, then actually physically walking??? Omg so scary!!!
Oczy w górę ,w dół ,w górę, w dół. Beznadziejny gracz
Just walk normally!!!
Them: up step up step up step up step
Only took you 7 minutes to jump
Видео кринж
I have the game but i cant walk
какого хера у меня не переворачивается в горизонтальный когда телефон в горизонтальном!? чтоб тот кто создал это видео сдох
which app is it?
Дурак Блин ты не можешь зайти а вот диктатуры может
Wow. Thank you

I olmost fell
0:35 VR Start
Я: знаешь что я понял когда играл в виар на диване
Кто-то: ну и что
Я: оказывается падать с дивана не так больно
It's not even 360 -_-
Wooo stra bello, dovete provarlo una favola!! Sembra veramente di essere lì

What game is this called
Whats the name of the game?
Pero Dalee, una paso que das y miras para arriba?

5:17 wtf?!
Boo no falll
Gods good
오 놀고싶은 나에겐 강추
It felt more like you were trying to give us whiplash and a headache with how much you were looking up and down
Tanta cosa para nada
why does he raise his head after every step?..
Ролик отстой
I had my head set on it would have been better if u stop moving up and down
يا الله
did you have to look up with every freaking step. I am new to vr and let me tell you it made me nauseous and kinda made me wanted to punch whoever was playing this in face very hard. It was annoying and nauseating.
Did this at my friends house on her vr, my other friend wanted to push me off the plank so I agreed. Once she pushed me I went face first into the desk and I got a bloody nose and a swollen lip. This was a while ago and I still have a scar.
what’s the game name
Why did you look up and down
Ebahti bokluka
Yo the vr was awesome tho I didn't even start walking I was using my vr headset
Видео говно идет и на верх смотрио очень догло видео говно полное
Why do you take so long like fr
Eu não tenho Un rv
Anyone do this while standing up, then actually physically walking??? Omg so scary!!!