Parent campaign group Us For Them, is calling for the Government to ban smartphones completely for under-16s and bring in …
Parent campaign group Us For Them, is calling for the Government to ban smartphones completely for under-16s and bring in …
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My son's school won't allow phones. If they are caught, they will get detention and phones will be confiscated and only the parent can go to take it back. There were too many cases of bullying in the school and around the school so the school won't even negotiate on the issue. They do bag checks once in a while to check for phones. And that works because children engage in the outdoor activities at brake times and socialize more instead of staring at their phones. There were not safety issues related to not having phones as children go home in groups and if they don't hang around in bad places they get home safely.
And as a parent of a teenage boy(14) I can assure you that is not that easy to take their phone away or to block things on their phone. I personally regret buying a phone for my son but as the lady suggested, if most parents will do the same, then it will be more easy to deal with the problem. But when all my son's friends had phones and social accounts and so on, my son was bullied for not having then I bought one for him. But I wish there will be such support for parents so we don't fight alone against our own children. If there were some general restrictions enforced by law it wouldn't be that difficult for the parents to deal with the matter.
I know for many it seems easy but wait until you have a teenage child living in today's lost world. Some parents might succeed somehow but for many, is a lost battle, no matter how hard you try as a parent.
I've been saying this for years, children are not responsible enough to have smart phones
It’s a parenting issue, if you want your kids to spend less time on their phones then take their phones away. A former schoolmate of mind would only have her phone during school hours, her mother would take it away when she got home from work so she wasn’t up at night mindlessly scrolling.
If we can pass legislation to ban phones in cars then we can do the same elsewhere!
Children are spoilt.
I think its down to the parents if a child gets a phone, ones with heavy parental blocks etc, they can be very handy tools for the safety of a child,
How in the world did we survive before smart phones? <—irony
Another way to gt pass census and give up your location lol who cares though this the future parents can only do so much. Yall dumb asf kids make phones now. Lol stand up to bullies by doin what fighting tht u literally took away or u suspend us. Its not the phones time is changing and u old mfs gtta get over it u knew it was coming
Don't the parents buy the phones though?!
No duh its to much goin on to not have a phone all these pedophiles
Good morning

Yes they should strike. Tories are under funding every public sector. Nurses got 5% – inflation is 10% In the Netherlands nurses were recently given 10%^
Yes they should strike. Tories are under funding every public sector. Nurses got 5% – inflation is 10% In the Netherlands nurses were recently given 10%^
Yet some people want children younger than that to do transition gender modification surgery
Bring back the old Nokia phones
Why do black people yell so much. We can hear you lady.
Yes but they wont…kids are addicted to tech but there parents don't seem to care…not unrealistic, not impossible but our government is lazy and doesn't care either.
Never going to happen
Don't take the phones.
Just be able to block everything but phone calls.
Problem solved.
You could never inforce that
Every single video from GMB starts with: “Should we ban…?”
Should thought of it in the first place
Right so
Just no