Virtual Reality headsets are becoming more and more popular each year. But with so many on the market, it can be hard to know …


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About the Author: Trend Max


  1. So which one gives you the least amount of eye cancer? 👁 lol idk I want to try these out, I'm 32 so I grew up playing the VR in the mall (the place where you had to walk to each store and look for what you wanted) lol but anyway can someone tell me a good starter VR that I should try? I would prefer to spend 1,000 or less with the whole set up, Does Xbox have a VR? I'm not a big video game guy my last system was an Xbox 360 that I bought for myself in 2019. I wish I kept my original Xbox 😪 hell I remember Nintendo 65 was Hella fun too. Unfortunately, you can't get Pu$$y in video games or make money so I stopped playing years ago. With all that said I would like to try "virtual reality games" the movie 🎬 Ready Player One is my top favorite update movie lol. Definitely a 90s-20s kid at heart haha.

  2. can HTC Vive, Meta Quest, Oculus Rift, Playstation VR, Playstation VR2, Samsung Gear VR, Valve Index, and Virtual Boy VR Headsets be combined with a human in real life?

  3. This video was brought to you by Facebook (since meta is already a registered trademark which suckerberg just ignored in his sheer scumbagness)

  4. Idk man. It doesnt look that good when you wear it. The quality and resolution kinda suck and when you wear for a long time you get dizzy and have headache after taking it off.

  5. Isnt the rift s discontinued? Also i got the reverb g2, dont recommend at all, loses tracking all the time but its got a good display.

  6. Bro didn’t talk about FOV on any of the headsets and said that the quest 2 is better than other high end pc Vr headsets 💀

  7. do not rely on this video if you're looking to buy a good vr headset! If you want to get the best money can buy, get the HTC Vive Pro 2 Full Kit. You're welcome 🙂

  8. Please do not get the Rift S. They discontinued support for it and they have very faulty hardware that tends to stop working.
    Save your money!

  9. WHAT! The Quest 2 headset number one. No Way! I have had a Quest 2 for several months and it seems that the Meta people are going in another direction. A few months ago, I could play Pro ERA Football and it was just like being on a real football field. But with their latest software update, it is really terrible. When I look out on to the field it looks like a hot summer day where everything in the distance is jagged and moving. I worked with them for a week, and they said that there was nothing they could do. They said that the anti-aliasing system in the headset can't be adjusted and that when under load it disengages to give the CPU more power. Thus, your glove looks real up close, but in the distance, it looks like an 80s SEGA game. I had 2 of these headsets but luckly I was able to return one of them to Amazon. And for you serious gamers and developers. I used Oculus Link and SideQuest for days trying to find that magical Refresh Rate Resolution, but still it looks bad. This 90Hz at 3264×1648 did seem the best I could do.

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